As the article points out, this is a sanctionable offense in Canada (that the AHJ generally aggressively pursue). He certainly will be given notice, and if he doesn’t comply they just start ramping up fines aggressively until he does ($25k to $50k each, eventually into court orders and injunctions). These are legally enforceable.
It’s even more aggressive in other provinces - the professions strictly regulate title usage. Most people voluntarily comply immediately.
Anyone who considers themselves to be a mechanical engineer who isn’t registered… is someone I wouldn’t want doing anything related to engineering or public speaking.
Words have meaning; there’s a reason some of them have meaning that’s backed by legal status.
I’ve heard of stolen valor, but stolen geekery is a new one.
He is just doing it to get into Mechanic Engineering bathrooms to be a pervert.
Yea in the UK plumbers and gasfitters are called engineers… That said even with my B.Eng and MA.Sc from accredited Canadian schools I am not a professional engineer in any province/territory of canada. I have not paid dues or fees or completed the ethics exam.
While it may be beneficial for me to obtain my license in the future, the work I was, and I am currently doing is not an act of engineering or if it briefly was it was licenced under another engineer.
I was advised at one point to not obtain the engineer title due to some shady practices going on at the time with insurance for engineers. After that job, opportunities didn’t require the title so I haven’t bothered
Personally I think administrating the licences at at provincial level seems silly for the work I do. As it usually is traveling fast over all the provinces and the laws on the books are mostly for bridges and are often ill equipped to guide me to beat practices for the work I do. Maybe in the future it’ll be federally managed maybe that will make it more consistent and they can consider things other than bridges
He still shouldnt call himself an Engineer when he’s not a licensed Engineer, but to be slightly fair, with his experience, in say Alberta, he would likely be a Professional Technician and would be allowed to stamp engineering drawings.
In Ontario there is no path to stamping drawings from being technologist, and again, he still shouldnt call himself an engineer, but i also don’t necessarily agree that it inherently means he doesn’t actually know engineering. Lots of PEngs I worked with were garbage engineers and lots of Techs I worked with were great at engineering.
Yeah, this is kind of where I am. If I was an MET and someone asked my profession in a casual conversation, I might well say engineer. If it was anything more significant or official, or the person was aware of the field enough to know the difference, I’d go with MET. Running for office definitely falls in the second category.
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- Politics is not a game show. He’s a candidate, not a “contestant”.
- While in Canada “engineer” is a semi-regulated term, globally this is not a thing. I live in the UK now and am regularly referred to as an engineer despite having never completed an engineering degree at university.
- There are plenty of reasons to shit on the Conservatives, but this is a reach, a reach well past a wide array of low-hanging fruit.
All good points. Here’s a few low dangling reasons not to like the guy:
New to politics, Gassi said it was during the COVID-19 pandemic that local and national issues seriously caught his attention and he became seriously concerned with what is occurring around the world.
“I advocate for the values of liberty, faith, family, morals freedom and the promise of a healthy future for our children and grandchildren,” he told The Sault Star. […]
“I’ve become very disenchanted with where our country is moving, and when I was approached about seeking the nomination, it didn’t take too long for me to decide,” he said.
“This is less about politics and more about ideologies and agendas,” he said. “This is about good versus evil.”
“This fight is about goodness, morality, family, God and freedoms, against evil, tyranny, oppression, greed, controls and global governance. During the past several years, the Trudeau-led Liberal government has turned their backs on Canadians. The results of their corrupted policies, and fiscal irresponsibility have placed our current and future generations in a position of risk,” he said. [Sault Star, Jan '24]
[T]he Trump tariffs were also being discussed by Michael Gassi, a former Algoma Steel general manager.
“I don’t understand Canadians, with their anti-Trump and anti-American rants over the tariffs,” wrote Gassi, who’s seeking the local federal Conservative nomination, on Facebook.
“All this hatred over potential 25 per cent tariffs, but the same Liberal and left-wing Canadians have no concerns with being punished and bankrupted by Justin Trudeau with his 28-per-cent carbon climate hoax tax? The hypocrisies are amazing.” [SooToday Feb '25]
Hoooooly shit. Yeah, fuck this guy.