Yeah, the C64 is so much fun because it is so different. Really something else. It feels so… raw and full of surprises. I did program a lot on it. I also own an Amiga (two actually, a 1000 and a 3000) but they are so far ahead of the C64 that you can not compare them. I have Web, Mail, a ton of Unix stuff and more on my 3000. It pretty much feels like a modern system just a really slow one. Loading a JPEG with 1024x768 in 24bits - the highest resolution my Amiga can display - takes like 30 seconds ;-)
I don’t want to rain on your parade but I’ll do it anyway: The numbers of active posts and members in Lemmy communities, even in the most active ones, are mindbogglingly low in comparison with Reddit, even in comparison to somethingawful what I still consider the dirty cousin of Reddit.
All the numbers are just two sizes lower than Reddit and then there is the atrocious web interface. I have stopped counting how often my posts got eaten, the reply button didn’t react and general stuff didn’t work at all.
I posted there already :-) because r/worldbuilding had his “thursday don’t post day” or something like that. I didn’t even consider Lemmy an alternative before.