Yes, and I don’t have an account. So what’s your point?
Yes, and I don’t have an account. So what’s your point?
Yes, and I obviously don’t have a Twitter account, so what’s your point?
Twitter, without an account, is pretty much unusable. It doesn’t show you follow-up tweets or replies, and sometimes no tweets at all. The choice isn’t “do I access tweets using this or Twitter”, it’s “do I access tweets with this or not at all”. If there’s useful information in a tweet, I don’t have a problem using this service, even if it logs my IP - that’s a pretty normal thing for any service that is big enough to e.g. need rate limiting.
I am happy with my simple docker-compose setup - one root folder with one subfolder per project containing the compose file and any configuration mounted into the container. Traefik automatically exposes all services I want under a well-known URL using a single line in each compose file. Watchtower updates the containers.
This has been running stable for over two years with probably 2-3 reboots in between. If my current NUC ever breaks I’ll set it up again using Podman instead of Docker, but aside from that I couldn’t be happier!
Then a good solution would be a license that specifically disallows any entity that works with/for Meta to use your content for advertising.
It’s the Santa Clause 2-style Doppelganger of Steve Carrell!
What’s that at the top? S.A.N.T.A., Serious Antagonist Nearly Terminating All?
It’s just such a crazy thought to sell a liquid in a bag! Though I could see this actually producing less waste than a carton, since the latter has to be lined on the inside, which isn’t easily recyclable.
Pour from what?
This is a prank, right? Like the whole Bielefeld thing? You can’t really be trying to tell me Canadians go to a store and WALK OUT WITH MILK IN A PLASTIC BAG??
I am also not 100% on board with omitting the parents. I think if there a possibility that the children are being harmed that needs to be something our educators are trained to recognize, no different than if the children were showing up to school malnourished or with unexplained bruises.
But you’re not going to fix these issues by telling the parents about the childs choice of gender. At best the parents already know, at worst they’ll hurt the child because you told them.
It’s not the school divisions responsibility to determine which ideological beliefs are best for their children and what secrets should be kept from them. They are legal guardians for a reason and have every right to informed of their children’s behavior.
Not if there is a reasonable assumption this will lead to abuse. Children absolutely need reliable adults outside of their parents whom they can tell secrets without being afraid of their parents finding out. This is the same as a school telling parents that their kid is homosexual - no, the parents don’t have every right to be informed of this.
But I do feel the school divisions has a responsibility to let the proper authorities know if any kind of child abuse is occurring, which includes not allowing a child to express the gender identity they are comfortable with.
Of course they do. But since the school can’t really know if telling the parents will lead to abuse, they shouldn’t tell the parents, so the parents don’t abuse their children.
What? I am against telling parents. The comment you replied to literally says: “don’t tell kids parents about their choices”. I have no idea what you’re understanding here. All my comments are talking about the same thing and are fully logical if you read them from the point of view I’m writing them from: don’t tell parents, because they might hurt their kids.
My position is very simple: don’t tell kids parents about their choices, because telling them might make the parents hurt the kids. What’s the issue with my position?
I did not say that in any way. Of course banning gender affirming behaviour hurts the child, just as telling the parents might do.
Not if that communication will put children in danger.
You said I’d be conducting the interview when I walked in here. Now, exactly how much pot did you smoke?