Interesting. Do you just listen on Random all the time, with maybe favorites or whatever?
You’re the best. Only one to actually answer my question.
I’ll be doing this tonight. Thank you so much
Fun story. I never really considered myself an audiophile. At first, I downloaded every song I had as an mp3 or YouTube rip.
Then I ran out of storage space and built a music server.
Then I discovered deemix. At the time completely free
I know deemix wouldn’t last. I redownloaded every song I had as flac, knowing I can’t Begin to take advantage of it. Storage is cheap and I have unlimited data.
So a dap is in my future. Probably in my car. And after some research
I want to listen at work, and paying $20 a year is worth not having to get something potentially malicious
Yeah, this is my current solution. I was hoping I could do cheap enough to just get legal
Is a gift card the way to do it?
I thought I’d be doing a subscription.
So how do I get the gift cards?
This is what I do. But my wife has an iPhone, and can’t.
I also want it on desktop
Lol. Yes.
I download most of my music, but I haven’t gotten a new song in like a year and a half, so I want cheap, desktop something for the once in a while listening.
My wife has an iPhone and pays full price, this is also motivation
You might be able to use funkwhale for this function
As other’s have said Navidrome is the way to go. Not the most featureful, but it’s so much faster than every other solution that you make it work. It’s also very close to a huge update to support plugins and stuff.
I use the DSub app. Free from fdroid. Configured to download 10 songs in advance, for when I’m driving with spotty service, and download my favorites.
It also let’s you set different internal and external IP addresses, if you need that. I think most people do unless you run a DNS server.