Cons falling into potential minority territory.
Words cannot express how much of a relief that is. Even if the Liberals get ousted, I hope the Cons at least get a minority. A majority under PP would be… rough.
C’mon, BQ! Save our democracy!
We need BC to save our democracy.
The Liberals have made almost no headway there, it’s still holding firm Conservative.
The Conservatives have been their weakest in QC, with them hating Pollievre the most and very few blue seats.
It’s time for PP to lose hard. We don’t need more demagogues.
Surveys result moving in the right direction. Thanks for these updates. Sorry for expressing doubt about one of your (survey) post in the past few days.
Happy with the direction the pills are going, especially since there’s no official liberal leader. But would like to see PP humiliated sooner rather than later.
My guess is that the Liberals will rise a little more in the polls once Carney is selected as leader, and he’ll use that moment to call an election. If he waits too long he risks PP potentially making a comeback.
I think the cpc is probably holding off on attack ads until after the leader is selected, I expect the libs to start losing momentum once that starts, but hopefully it’s still enough to cross into winning territory. I really hope Carney doesn’t have any skeletons (or shoe polish) in his closet.
I think the cpc is probably holding off on attack ads until after the leader is selected,
I’m already seeing anti-Carney ads from the conservatives.
Predictably, they’re labelling him Trump-style with a childish nickname “carbon tax Carney”…
Canada doesnt need a small pp
My local riding flipped today from CPC likely to LPC! That’s encouraging.
Mine slipped from firmly NDP to NDP/PC tossup. eeeek
I’m not Canadian, would anyone be willing to explain who these parties are and how the polls are looking, please? I suppose I could look it up but would rather some personal perspectives.
Liberals (red) are sort of like our democrats who are the incumbent have been trending up. Conservatives (blue) are like Republican light are trending down NDP (orange) is more left leaning are down slightly
This change is most likely due to the recent threats from America and the perception that Pierre Poilievre leader of the conservative party is seen as been cozier with US interests.
And he hasn’t really said anything against Trump yet.
Thanks for explaining this. It’s interesting to see how US politics are affecting Canadian vote shares. Is that a common thing or is it an isolated event given what’s going on in the US at the moment?
It’s interesting to see how US politics are affecting Canadian vote shares. Is that a common thing or is it an isolated event given what’s going on in the US at the moment?
Allow me to illustrate with a quote from former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau:
“Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt,”
That was part of a speech he gave at the Washington press club in 1969.