In some of the music communities I’m in the content creators are already telling their userbase to go follow them on threads. They’re all talking about some kind of beef between Elon and Mark and the possibility of a boxing match… Mark was right to call the people he’s leaching off of fucking idiots.

    1 year ago

    I think where privacy minded people fail to understand is that for most people we are not committing crimes or shady shit online therefore why care? A lot of us understand that if you type anything in a computer it is assumed to be on the public record either easily found or through a few hoops to get it.

    The issue isn’t that people are trying to hide their crimes or their shady shit, it’s that the information about ourselves that we did not post online/are only letting a select few know are being revealed to strangers without our consent. It’s about the choice of who we are willing to reveal what to. Are you willing to let strangers know every aspect of your daily life? What you eat, when you sleep, when you poop, where you go, what you like to do etc. Because that’s what companies want with data collection, to know every aspect of you, the good the bad the ugly, so that they can market your data to advertisers and constantly push their products to you. Taken to the futuristic extreme, they can and will push toilet paper products to you while you are on the toilet, or advertise gym services while you are eating dessert, or maybe even push sex products while you are in bed with your partner. It’s this sort of future that many people are worried about and want to prevent from happening. (And this isn’t even talking about what governments can do with this sort of data collection.)

    People want the choice of being able to reveal select information to select people. That’s what privacy is.