In some of the music communities I’m in the content creators are already telling their userbase to go follow them on threads. They’re all talking about some kind of beef between Elon and Mark and the possibility of a boxing match… Mark was right to call the people he’s leaching off of fucking idiots.

    1 year ago

    The problem is that the negative consequences are too abstract/too far to see.

    What are the negative consequences that most people seem unable to see?

        1 year ago

        in my case, personally, the consequences of losing privacy are… just losing privacy itself.

        losing the consent on my content to be here or there, before or after,

        losing freedom of what i do share and what not,

        losing my right to be forgotten,

        losing my right to change because people will push the impression they take from my data one day (“you say that, but back then you said this very different thing”, and shove it to you, like a Black Mirror episode),

        losing my right to change, select or delete the data i shared,

        losing the right not to be doxxed, harassed,

        my data being leaked or used for comercial purposes, especially medical, which has already helped corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industry,

        losing the right on my image, my identity, because many people think our shared data can define us, that our shared data is a “mirror” of us, a “digital” instance of us, when it’s just a “pirated copy” of us via social engineering, by hacking consent and personal boundaries.

        that data is a very corrupted and selective backup or screenshot taken of us one day, we should be able to change that data or make it not to exist in first place by default.

        no matter how paranoid, abstract or crazy these arguments may sound (but sorry if i cause discomfort),

        i just think it’s a human right we all should have by default, and then, voluntarily give away or not, in a selective and stoppable way.

        in my case, i just don’t want to share info about myself that happily. this applies to megacorporations, but to normal people too.

        i know data is the price for using “free” services, but… i just don’t find any service it’s really worth it.

        (just my opinion, of course, no mean to force my view on anybody or smth).

      1 year ago

      Information is power. Information is used against you pervasively for control. This control ranges in nefariousness. You want examples? Here are some examples of consequences of use of information as a means of power:

      • A present or future employer making HR descisions based on your behaviour outside of work.
      • An insurance provider discriminating you and your coverage based on some knowledge like a pre existing condition or behaviour
      • Behaviour that is socially acceptable today or appropriate in context being broadcast in the future when it is not or out of context
      • Defamation
      • Extortion
      • Being targeted for having certain political thought
      • Being targeted by perpetrators of acts of violence, theft, or nuisance (think swatting)
      • Being manipulated into making purchasing or life descisions that are not in your best interest
      • Systematic or discrete racial, sexual, religious or other identity discrimination

      The usual response to a list like this goes something along the lines of, bah, none of that will happen to me, I’m a goody-two-shoes. That advice is about as good as saying “I’m a good driver, I won’t get into a crash, so I don’t need to wear a seatbelt”. Back to my point, the consequences of information used against you are too far and too abstract for people to accept.