Linked National Post on purpose. Given their bias I believe they’d present the worst case scenario.
E: Apparently the article is from 2016 so the cost is likely higher today.
Linked National Post on purpose. Given their bias I believe they’d present the worst case scenario.
E: Apparently the article is from 2016 so the cost is likely higher today.
Why even pay the cancelation fee?
It’s not like anything going on now is legitimate.
Or promise to pay but never do, like Trump did for his campaign rally expenses.
When the creditor calls tell them Canada doesn’t live here anymore and hang up like your room mate used to do for you in college.
Exactly. Canada should just choose to ignore it. Just like the US is ignoring international deals they’ve signed with other countries. Thing is: Canada has honour and our actual signature means something when we sign agreements. I don’t think Canada will sink as low as the US.
I do not think so either but we really should.