The disturbing thing is that about 18% of Canadian Conservatives would support annexation. That’s almost 1 in 5. Most of us know five Conservatives, so chances are you know someone who is essentially a traitor. I think Conservative supporters need to be aware that this is the company they keep.
The one in five conservatives who want to be annexed by America know its the only way they can get American citizenship since they are probably low education and low skilled labour that America doesn’t even want. Otherwise they would just move to America.
That 18% number is based on polls that may be kinda susp, but even if it were true a lot of what I’ve heard from the dumbass gallery has been:
“Cool, then our dollar would finally be equal to USD”
“It’ll be easier to get flights to the US and Disneyland”
“Then we can vote in a proper government they’re and fix things”
I doubt the appetite for such goes much past a lack of critical thinking into what the realities would be
This may be so but as we’ve seen in other contexts - e.g., Brexit and the last US election - these are exactly the people that can do incredible damage that can last generations.
The problem is that there is a not-insignificant number of people that want the US to annex Canada.
In the US, about 15% of Trump voters would support annexation of Canada, even if Canada didn’t want it. That’s about 1 in 7.
The disturbing thing is that about 18% of Canadian Conservatives would support annexation. That’s almost 1 in 5. Most of us know five Conservatives, so chances are you know someone who is essentially a traitor. I think Conservative supporters need to be aware that this is the company they keep.
Probably more Americans support being annexed by Canada than annexing Canada.
I mean, yeah I’d love it, but at the same time I wouldn’t want Canada to take on that kind of embarrassment and that much of a workload.
The Vancouver Sun is owned by postmedia… so take whatever they,say with a grain of salt.
Yeah I hear you 100%. At this point any of the Postmedia outlets should be considered American propaganda, and they cannot be trusted.
However in this case the survey was from Angus Reid I believe. You can find the results elsewhere.
The one in five conservatives who want to be annexed by America know its the only way they can get American citizenship since they are probably low education and low skilled labour that America doesn’t even want. Otherwise they would just move to America.
That 18% number is based on polls that may be kinda susp, but even if it were true a lot of what I’ve heard from the dumbass gallery has been:
“Cool, then our dollar would finally be equal to USD” and “It’ll be easier to get flights to the US and Disneyland” or “Then we can vote in a proper government they’re and fix things”
I doubt the appetite for such goes much past a lack of critical thinking into what the realities would be
This may be so but as we’ve seen in other contexts - e.g., Brexit and the last US election - these are exactly the people that can do incredible damage that can last generations.
Absolutely. I’d also hazard that a certain portion of these “ideas” actually come from agents working social media etc to promote them .
They’re not just throwing out “DEI bad” but also “and wouldn’t you like…”