• Kichae@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    On the other hand going to war over word use is not a good use of the left’s energy.

    So, here’s the thing: The “left” isn’t going to war over the use of words. The “left” isn’t engaging in some proactive, organized measure against some idea or innocuous mouth noises. The fascists are doing that. All that is happening is that a bunch of individuals are, individually, asking to be referred to by certain names, or in certain terms. It really isn’t that different from a bunch of people who are all named Richard asking people to call them “Richard” or “Rick”, and not “Dick” or “Dickie”.

    Except the fascists have organized to make it very hard for the Ricks and Richards to do that, and to enable the assholes of the world to call them “Dick” and “Dickie”.

    Now, if you’re at all familiar with the history of fascism, or the tactics fascists use to make inroads with the public, you might recognize this kind of wedge issue for what it is: A populist ploy to rise to power on the back of empowering pricks to bully a persecuted minority. And, if you don’t want fascists to have power in your society, you might then react by moving to oppose these really-actually-fairly-effective tactics. Also, if you’re someone who gives a shit about basic human dignity or just not letting the shit stains of the world smear their putrescence all over society, you might also act to defend the persecuted minority against their shitty, shitty behaviour.

    The right is going to war over the use of words. Stop enabling them by blaming those who stand in opposition to them. Point the finger at the perpetrator, not the defender. They’re the ones spending their time attacking society’s vulnerable, rather than helping people who are struggling. Remember, Moe is the sitting Premiere of Saskatchewan. He’s the one in charge. He could be spending his time making life more affordable and more enjoyable for the people of his province, but instead he’s chosen to make the lives of scared kids harder while at the same time choosing to help big businesses over residents.

    What do you want other people to do? Not protect literal children from the fucking Premiere?