The federal government is proposing financial incentives for farmers in lieu of cutting enteric methane emissions that are released in the air when cows burp.

    9 months ago

    We can do better.

    1. end fossil fuels and invest in improving wind, solar, battery technology.

    2. do what Netherlands did and start changing urban planning so that we use transit (trams) and dense housing zoning reform.

    3. regulate companies to curb our culture of consumerist materialism. Right to repair laws, tax companies for producing excessive unnecessary products. (the 6 R’s of sustainability)

    a) Rethink : do I really need that

    B) Refuse : refuse excessive materials given to you

    C) Reduce : reduce your consumerism (clothing and laptop)

    D) re-use : reuse items

    E) repair : fix items, right to repair

    F) recycle : recycle products

    Carbon emissions cause chart