• FonsNihilo@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    I got banned from r/workerstrikeback for defending world peace. Mod perma banned me, even though I was a contributing member of the sub. Called the mod a dumb dangerous keyboard warrior in my ban appeal, got muted. Reddit admins banned my account for 2 days. Appealed the ban, siting the mods agenda, Reddit added a day to my ban, stated the mods actions are appropriate. Deleted my 9 year old account moments later. The mod was calling for NATO to be dissolved, banned everyone who said differently, and deleting comments they didn’t like.

    Reddit was okay in September, became trash as soon as the blackout started, never recovered. Don’t know why I stayed for so long.

    • _Mantissa@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      This reminded me of some management training I went through for a fast food company years ago. They tell managers to always back up the decisions of team members (unless illegal) regardless of if they were in the right or not. then, if possible without undermining the employee, appease the customer, then educate the team member in a 1 on 1.

      All the decent mods left Reddit during the blackout and Reddit is treating the new batch with fast-food “we are a family” retention tactics. It makes people feel indebted despite being under-paid, over-worked, and generally exploited. Indebted people are less likely to start future blackouts or do anything against the wishes of the corporation they owe. Just one more reason to trust Reddit even less