• Mongostein@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    You cherry picked articles to claim that no bodies have been found anywhere.

    Yeah, I’m quite ok with burning down the symbols of an oppressive organization. 🤷🏻‍♂️

    I don’t care what your thoughts are on whether or not residential schools happened because they did.

    I’ll agree with that last part, but did it really take you a week to come up with this weak response?

    • FriendBesto@lemmy.ml
      8 months ago

      That has never been my claim. You are sadly projecting, since I did not say that. I literally posted that was not case in one of my other responses, that 2 were found. That is the actual record last time I checked within the context we are discussing. I would suggest you take the time to read the actual Report, you know, primary sources, I mean, it only came out in 2015, rather than whatever possible echo chamber you may use. Avoid main stream media, both from the Left and the Right. Nuance is your friend.

      Violence is idiotic since violence, or arson in this case, can risk a never ending cycle of retribution. We are supposed to be a little more mature, not only as a society but as a country, especially today. People who think otherwise seem to be so self-centered to think that their shitty behavior will never be done to them in return.

      It is a wild-goose chase where everyone loses due to the silly high moral virtue signaling horses of people who themselves pick very, very narrow bands of History in order to fuel their political ideologies. I see this at Universities and at some NGO’s all the time. Best way to win, is not to play at all. Albeit I care not for the Catholic church or any religion, the point here is that fanatics from all fronts are always inherently wrong although they make great puppets for others to use.

      You cared enough to respond, friend. A little bit of self-awareness would go a long away here, if you really wanted to make that claim. LOL Also, you need your eye sight checked, I never claimed that Residential Schools did not happen. Or the very least do tell others of what you are smoking if you think I said that. I never did. LOL

      As far as “taking” a week, the reality is that I do not spend a lot of time social media, I have a real life with responsibilities, like most reasonable people do.
      I have some free time this afternoon to link up some sources and write a bit, so I responded to you and to a number of other people in other subs. This can easily be verified.

      Have a great one.

      • Mongostein@lemmy.ca
        8 months ago

        Oh now you’re trying to move the goalposts.

        The system we live in still uses violence to keep the rich on our throats. The same system is responsible for residential schools, but we’re supposed to be peaceful? Fuck that. I’m not burning any churches but I have no sympathy for oppressors getting what’s coming to them.

        Link sources for what? Residential schools happened. Take your own advice and go find your own sources and stop downplaying the violence that you think we should turn a cheek to.