An awesome new app just got released for free on, that lets Fedizens create their own MTG-style playing cards.
Bean, stroganoff, and poop-holding cards when?
Also, Xavier: Renegade Angel. And… are acorns the new thing or am I missing something?
Yo, yeah, what’s up with the acorns?
I guess it’s being associated with the sounds of a gun shot?
A pig thought that the sound of an acorn falling on to his vehicle was a gun shot. So the fucking idiot yelled ‘shots fired’ while emptying his magazine into his vehicle, where a man was currently sitting inside, being detained. That man was traumatized because someone thought it would be a good idea to give that idiot pig a job.
…and so just to be clear, by pig, you mean a cop, yeah?
No it was a real pig with a gun…
Cops are pigs, yes.
Why not?
Cool and fast card creator without bloated stuff!
I had a brief moment of “Oh, they’re being mean to Sean Tilley. I hope our favourite depressed journalist doesn’t get more depressed by this!”
Then I saw the byline.
Hah, nah, I’m just mean to myself. 😅
And that’s just the human condition 🙂
Doesn’t seem to be working on latest Firefox ESR (or, according to the error message, on the web server backend they use)?:
Error The following features required to run Godot projects on the Web are missing: Cross Origin Isolation - Check web server configuration (send correct headers) SharedArrayBuffer - Check web server configuration (send correct headers)
Cool concept. It’d be dope if it could get reskinned for YuGiOh and Pokémon too. Despite being a card-carrying nerd, MTG is beyond my ken.