Years in the making, the federal government is poised to introduce a new piece of legislation on Monday aimed at addressing a series of online harms.
Years in the making, the federal government is poised to introduce a new piece of legislation on Monday aimed at addressing a series of online harms.
Will Trudeau be punished for his blackface pictures causing harm…
That wouldn’t make sense, but even if that was not a joke, it would be out of scope. The legislation is likely to focus on requiring platforms to moderate content more strongly; plus maybe penalties for cyberbullying, deepfakes and such.
Being insensitive online is unlikely to ever become a crime, let alone something that can prosecuted retroactively.
There’s a law, possibly international/UN or something, against making laws that retroactively criminalize stuff, so you’re right, on that point.
Pretending that such things won’t ever become a crime, however, when the US is at the point of criminalizing
as the next few years will demonstrate,
is naive/incompetent.
Yes, criminal-law is going to be used to enforce ideological-conforming, throughout much of the West, exactly as China, Israel, Russia, etc, now “use”/abuse law.
That tipping-point has already been crossed, on this world.
You used ellipses instead of a question mark. Will you be held accountable for the harm you’ve inflicted?
Only if churches stop portaying Jesus as a white man. 😄
You can blame a certain emperor for making everyone paint his son as Jesus.