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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I think it’s another one of those things where words and phrases change meaning over time.

    Righteous is equal to justifiable. Indignant is equal to showing anger.

    Logically, it should mean justifiably angry. Often times, people will just ignore and skip over the first word and will only properly read “indignant”.

    I think it’s similar to when people say words like “irregardless”. They use it to mean “regardless”. If you break the word down, the double negative makes it a positive. It looks like it should read as being the same as “regarding”, but people had other ideas lol

    Another fun one: “eggcorn” has been added to some dictionaries as a synonym for “acorn”.

  • It’s good for that person that they aren’t feeling the loneliness mentioned in the article, yes. The poster IS feeling that loneliness, though.

    Was it necessary for that person to say that in response to someone who is saying that they are having those bad thoughts and feelings? Probably not. Are they a bad person? Probably not.

    “I feel horribly lonely” “I don’t feel lonely. In fact, I loved the aspects of life that caused you to feel this way”

    (The above might be how it comes off to some people.)

    I mean, it’s good for everyone who doesn’t feel lonely, but that person feeling good still doesn’t really help people like the poster who do feel lonely.

    I don’t think the commenter is wrong necessarily, but it should almost be expected to get less than happy responses from the OP, especially with the context.

  • It’s always odd when people stretch inclusivity to mean that absolutely everyone should be able to freely breeze past any and all possible barriers, with no effort.

    Internet security, you guys. There has to be SOME minimum activity requirement, or this whole site would be swamped with an insane number of bots. There are multiple written tutorials and video tutorials that tell you exactly what to click and when, in order to sign up. How much easier does it need to be to join? What can you do beyond a video walkthrough for account creation? How the hell did they join reddit? I just don’t get it.

    Sometimes these topics kind of remind me of people like the parents who argue that babies and toddlers belong at raves and busy nightclubs. Sometimes having multiple different groups are ok. You don’t usually see videos about how to fix your car on the cooking channel. You also don’t usually get proper accounting advice from random insect documentaries.

  • It’s so vile. I detest that so many people are so willingly and freely hateful of complete and utter strangers, over things that don’t effect anyone else.

    This is slowly turning into everything history lessons warned me of, and it’s insane. We are in 2023, we have the damned WORLD at our fingertips, yet people happily choose blind hatred, even if it means they also get harmed in the process themselves.

    I hate all of this. I used to believe that way more people were actually caring and intelligent, but it seems like many are very eager to prove that as wrong as possible.

    If you ask me, it’s fuckin’ ironic that “facts over feelings” is a point that they try to make. Science supports transitioning, so that doesn’t even make sense. Many animals change their full bio sex in nature. It really shouldn’t be rocket science that humans change genders. It’s not a new thing either, historically speaking. We’ve been transitioning for a pretty long time, throughout many years and cultures.

  • I think this is a nuanced situation. On one hand, the government let this slide for a long time, and too many people became reliant on Facebook for their news. I believe it’s very important for people to have the ability to be informed on the world around them. We should be spreading awareness about these things for people who apparently forgot.

    On the other hand, it’s Facebook. Facebook is also not exactly known for being unbaised or truthful. Provably false things have no business being passed off as news, regardless of what side of the coin you’re on. Information is power. We deserve the truth.

    We can still use news websites, news apps, FOSS sites like lemmy, the newspaper, watch the news on TV stations, etc. Why are so many people acting like this is the end of all free information? It it really that difficult for people to find another source? I can almost guarantee that you can list 4 or 5 news outlets from the top of your head. If you visit their pages, they will still get their ad revenue. They never got that revenue before because of Facebook.

    It’s also another situation where people expect other people’s labour for free. It’s becoming grating. Why are we defending a billion dollar company expecting this from small local companies? Journalists have to eat, too. If it was an easy, time-relaxed job, everyone would be a journalist. It’s almost irritating that so many people expect them to permanently lose out on their hard earned money for the sake of saving people the effort of a few different clicks.

    Where is any of this anger or frustration towards Meta, the billion dollar company that refuses to pay for these articles? Meta could have negotiated, but decided to just shut it down instead. Why are we cheering on a profiteering company from the US over our own local news sources?

    Some people will argue “they’ll get less clicks now”, but I’d argue that many of those clicks just sent people through an amp-website that mainly benefitted Meta. I’m kind of suprised to see these posts on a FOSS- heavy community, to be honest. I though not having one corporate overlord was kind of the whole point.

  • I left because of how reddit treated the 3rd part app Devs, suddenly forcing them to cancel subscriptions halfway through the year. (They could have given the Devs a heads up, but chose not to.) I left because of the libel that was being spread about a dev. For me, it wasn’t that they wanted to charge money to use reddit, it’s how they went about it that made me leave and not return.

    Of course, they also forgot about blind people and moderating tools. They then kicked many mods for voicing their opinion and/or participating the blackout, even if the subreddit in question was in agreement with them.

    I don’t see Sync doing any of that, so please speak for yourself on why the migration happened.

  • Maybe more homeowners should care about the rental situation, if home ownership is such a risk to lose.

    By this, I mean people should stop lobbying against new housing being built. People should start caring when renters begin to get screwed over in new ways. The number of renters is going to keep going up unless we hit a solid population hiatus. “Wait and see” just doesn’t work with this.

    Too many people have the mindset of “f you, I got mine”, without looking beyond their own nose. Many of those people don’t realize how close they are to being in a renter position themselves. Demotions, firings, unexpected disabilities, illnesses, fires, deaths, etc. don’t just wait around until you can afford them. Those things don’t care if you’ve had a bad year, or if you’re the breadwinner of your household.

    You or I could suddenly wake up one day and have a stroke. Everyone seems to ignore that as if it’s something that only happens to other people.