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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023


  • I’m no fan of Trudeau’s since he shitcanned electoral reform after bathing in the applause of citizens from across the country for months after saying that election would be the last one under FPTP.

    Having said that… PP could show us how smart he is by whipping out his big balls and telling us EXACTLY what he’d do to change things, complete with a costed budget. But he hasn’t. And he won’t. Because he’s full of shit.

    How do I know he’s full of shit? Because Thug Ford ran the same sort of campaign (Buck a beer folks!!) and just look at how he’s fucking with the entire province - specifically health care and education, to the benefit of his friends in private industry.

  • There are no dedicated tracks for passengers trains outside major cities. If you travel between Quebec City and Windsor on Via Rail, you’re almost exclusively on freight tracks. Between Montreal and Kingston is like being shaken left and right non-stop for nearly two hours. Impossible to read a book / tablet / phone, type on a laptop – eating and drinking is difficult.

    Meanwhile, the TGV/ICE trains move at over 300km/h, and the speed & motion are imperceptable, even on curves.

  • but I bet the train is still more comfortable

    It’s not. In business class, you’re immediately behind the engine – you get to hear it blast the horn multiple times at every crossing.

    And no matter which class you’re in, the freight trains have beat the piss out of almost every set of tracks, so that when you’re at speed, it just about knocks your fillings out – nevermind the idea of actually getting any work done on paper or laptop because of the constant motion.

    Your best bet is to get high/drunk before you get on the train and sleep through it.

  • My mother has been fooled by all of the extreme-far-right bullshit. She’s against immigration (she’s an immigrant), she’s against vaccination for “a variety of reasons”, but mostly because she thinks 99.99% of people survive COVID because her (vaccinated) 90-year-old mother did (even though it killed a dozen people in the same care home during an outbreak). She thinks the transition to ‘green power’ means we won’t have electricity after the sun goes down. She thinks the global elite will crash the economy to redistribute wealth to themselves.

    She wasn’t always like this. She was a smart and savvy business owner.

    This is what Russia want Canadians to be like.