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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • Except that’s wrong because no one is claiming it belongs to anyone but Taiwan because it does belong to Taiwan. Canada isn’t doing this because they think they own the waters, they’re doing it because they’re allies of Taiwan and they’re just defending their allies from being attacked by China

    Canada is actually allied with countries on the other side of the planet. China isn’t allied with anyone but Russia because no one wants China anywhere near them

    Tying this to China’s own internal problems is exactly what this is about because millions of people in China are dying due to the flooding to and the typical incompetence of the government and the CCP doesn’t like when people see what really happens in China. They constantly try to divert attention away from serious disasters happening within their own borders.

  • This isn’t about Canada, the other countries in Asia are fed up with China’s bull***t territorial claims that they make up all the time. Also lets all remember when other countries have had to literally shoot off Chinese ships for illegal fishing in their waters

    "Some 250 Chinese vessels fish for squid just outside Argentina’s 200-mile EEZ, sometimes dashing into Argentina’s waters illegally. When a Chinese jigger intruded in 2018, an Argentine warship pursuing it was nearly rammed by three other Chinese jiggers. “It’s literally a war,” said Milko Schvartzman, a former Greenpeace campaign manager and fisheries expert who estimates the illegal Argentinian fishery at $1 billion a year. “I have no doubt this will end in tragedy.”


    China is the incel of Nations, constantly bullying other countries, invading their own territory and stealing whatever they can from everybody then when people push back they cry about it