Formerly u/CanadaPlus101 on Reddit.

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • So on a second read, I think you might be talking about a situation where the government still allows an alternate system to operate, at least if it’s established. I already wrote this up from the same worst-case perspective as in OP.

    For daily driving, the trick with that would be offering something commercial providers can’t, other than an abstract long-term argument. Without that, you’re basically just trying to start your own ISP, but without any investors. For enthusiast use, see APRS below, which is a thing.

    APRS is kind of the relevant current standard. The trick is that being carried by radios that are unpredictable, it has no upper bound on latency (I think). If you want the same browsing experience (TCP especially needs a lot of back and forth) that’s really hard, because presumably big brother isn’t going to let you have a mesh station online for very long.

    The burst thing I was talking about is genuinely how spies do it in locked-down places like Eritrea or Turkmenistan - you go to a busy public place and absolutely hog bandwidth for just one second, using a disguised radio, and then wander out with your groceries before the radio detectors can catch up. I suppose open-source resources for that would be good, if they don’t already exist.

    I’d love to look at the transport layer of NATO’s system. It’s designed for both wartime (so arbitrary failure rate, type and pattern) and extensibility, and I’d be fascinated to know how they did it. Unfortunately, it’s also a big damn secret, to the point it’s the main thing they bring up when the media asks about China getting their hands on a working F-35. I’d also anticipate that it relies on every user registered as friendly acting friendly, at least over the long term.

    One of the things that’s on my future project list is over-the-air crypto, so you can pay someone to transmit your 50 meg thoughtcrime video slowly but persistently. As far as I know there’s no prohibition on digital sigs (like there is on encryption), so it should be doable somehow.

  • My first thought was “WTF”, but then I considered the problem. You can grow beef cells, but only easily in a thin layer. So, get something porous but edible, and grow the cells all over it. Rice is just an obvious choice from a culinary perspective.

    It’s weird, but I bet cooked up as a burrito or casserole this could actually be appealing, and it’ll be way easier to commercialise than more traditional meat shapes.

    Edit: So, here’s Nature on the same. As usual, popsci left out the gotcha, and that’s that there’s not actually a significant amount of beef there. Rice is only slightly porous, just as it seems, I guess.

  • It’s not my preferred system either, but it’s what we have. In this specific case it works to the advantage of progress and stability.

    If we had party list (preferably Norway style so there’s not constant snap elections) then the UCP almost certainly wouldn’t exist, and we’d probably have a coalition of centrist parties, with a sizable amount of more radical opposition parties, mostly on the right but also on the left (possibly led by Janis Irwin).

  • It sounds like a lot of the thefts work based on the principle of amplifying the fob so it seems close to the car even when it’s not. Because all reasonable EM radiation can be amplified, there’s no simple way to beat that short of going back to requiring a fob button push, so it’s basically convenience vs. security.

    They could try fobs that are smart enough to guess whether they’re being handled normally when activated, but that will 100% annoy consumers any time they try and do something the software doesn’t expect. It could even get as bad as the consumer putting the fob on a flat surface in another vehicle, and gently driving it up to the vehicle they want to move into.