wiki-user: car

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • Relevant bits of the story with some sections cut out:

    “But in an email to this newspaper, National Defence stated “the word ‘alleged’ is standard practice to reference cases subject to investigation. It is not intended to diminish anyone’s agency or experiences.”

    Adams pointed out that police and CFMWS records clearly undercut Bourgon’s claim the attack was only an allegation. In addition, Adams noted the National Defence statement was not correct since there was no ongoing investigation into her case.

    However, Canadian military police did create a “shadow file” on Jan. 3, 2023, with details of the incident. (A shadow file is a Canadian Forces document about an issue the military has an interest in, but not direct control over.) Those details and that report do not dispute Adams’ version of events, and police termed the incident a sexual assault.”

    Seems like nobody really investigated the instance outside of creating a report.

  • They are incompatible thoughts. Peacetime posturing and wartime posturing involve completely different priorities and lines of effort for governments.

    Wartime governments need to prioritize their war efforts. Peacetime governments do not - while there may be some light overlap for creation and maintenance of a self defense military force, individual liberties are not restricted, economic efforts are not diverted to replenish critical resources, and industrial outputs are not shifted to materiel production. Posturing for war places extreme stress on a nations ability to participate in global commerce and academia.