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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • If you think sex ed should be delayed until it’s literally TOO FUCKING LATE, then you are actually far right and just don’t admit it. I don’t give a shit what your other beliefs are. “High school or college”? You’re trolling, right?

    Do you have any idea how many kids literally kill themselves because nobody ever told them it was actually okay (as in, incredibly common, and not a mental illness or abomination) to feel like that? And those that actually make it through into their twenties and beyond suffer lifelong serious emotional damage just from the ostracization, even IF they decide to conform (some would say especially if).

    Your idiotic archaic notions of denying them the power to know and choose for themselves is the real indoctrination, and that shit actually KILLS kids.