Big nerd. Big fan of cool open source stuff. Generally queer. (He/him)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • I kinda thought this conversation would eventually happen. I have mixed feelings on the subject but am generally inclined not to use the term myself as I find it distasteful. But I think there’s an important consideration for those who’d like to discontinue the term rice in this community: what language would we like to use instead? Specifically a good noun for referring to a given setup we’ve made. In therapy they teach you that stopping a behavior is a very hard thing to accomplish, and that instead you should always try to replace a behavior- I believe that idea is very relevant here

    I’d be curious to hear people’s thoughts on what they’d like to use instead

  • Unix is a specific operating system, and there are a lot of operating systems based on it or derived from it (Linux, MacOS, BSD, and both Android and ChromeOS which are based on the linux kernel)

    Here’s a handy link to the Wikipedia page for unix. You may find the intro & history sections more useful than the stuff about what Unix is from a technical perspective, or how it works.

    This may be sacrilege, but I don’t mind seeing someone’s Windows customizations here, though its not what the community is intended for