Mine isn’t even on the map. I won’t be able to vote for any of the main parties anyway, but let’s hope Alliance can oust the DUP.
Mine isn’t even on the map. I won’t be able to vote for any of the main parties anyway, but let’s hope Alliance can oust the DUP.
There’s not one built in but it’ll work with any that connects to IMAP or JMAP servers.
The headline would only be different if someone had told the paper. Most people probably wouldn’t bother and just claim the money or compensation.
Yes, this is a thing that can happen. When temperatures are high the air density means that planes need to achieve a higher speed to take off. Same for increased weight. Same for high altitude airports. Same when there’s less headwind to take off into.
If enough of these factors are bad enough, you have to change what you can. Can’t change the airport elevation or the weather, so that leaves you with the weight.
I’m not sure the US has ever been on the moral high ground when it comes to wars.
I’d argue that in this case it was reckless, but very wreckful.