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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023

  • There are differences:

    1. Copying data through a protocol that purports to be integrated with the network frames that copying as a part of that network. If it was acquired through a bridge that does not respect federation then it is dishonestly coopting the legitimacy of the fediverse. Screenshots or copy-pastes won’t have the same appearance of integration and will be intuitively understood by the reader as being lifted from another context. This happens all the time and we’re very familiar with it. If copying data were all this was about, this solution should be sufficient.

    2. It brings fediverse users into direct contact with non-federated networks in a way that they have not consented to. The ability to post directly back & forth exposes people to the kinds of discussions that we had previously moderated out of our networks. Defederation is an important tool for limiting the access bad actors have to our discussions, and accepting a situation where we can no longer defederate neuters that tool.

    This isn’t just about “information wants to be free”. This is about keeping the door closed to the bigots, and forcing them to come onto our territory if they want to talk to us, so we can kick them out the moment they show their asses.


    Spinning up a new instance then federating with you, then bridging the content from there to the defederated instance.

    This is exactly part of the problem with a bridge that doesn’t rely on federation. With threads, we could just defederate and forget about it. With a bridge like this, we’re playing whackamole with every anonymous instance that bluesky spins up, which they can do easily faster than we can detect them.

    If this open source system is told to pack its bags and leave, then yes, they can do it more covertly, but if they do that then they’re doing shady shit, and that can be exposed as the shady shit that it is. The point of protesting this is saying that we won’t allow this kind of entryism to openly exist on the network.

  • You’re right, they aren’t trying to make something sustainable. I guess I was giving them too much credit when I said that.

    The problem they’re facing here is that if they can’t sustain even the appearance of a functioning site that investors might want to buy, then they fail at that too.

    So maybe the best way to fix this is just to ride it out and not close the subs, but if they’re just full of users that have finally clocked why mods are needed and that the place sucks now, that’s also a bad look.

    If the search engines start to realise that it’s a cesspit with nothing worth linking to anymore, then that really hits their metrics. I’ve just realised I really need to get onto downloading my posts and deleting them.

  • Seems like the way for reddit to “solve” this is to just close bad subs.

    But that’s easily exploited, if people migrate to other subs and start protesting the sub closures, those subs get worse and they need to be closed…

    Oh no, reddit, did you just discover that you relied on your users to make your site good and by screwing them over you’ve made your entire business unsustainable at scale?

    Also, somewhat related, is there a short snappy name for lemmy communities? Some people call them subs out of habit but I don’t wanna do that, and “communities” is four whole syllables, and ain’t nobody got time for that.

  • A car without brakes is a death trap. You use brakes exactly in proportion to how much you use the accelerator. Your analogy is garbage. It’s like saying “you have a house for the space inside, not for the roof overhead”. It’s nonsensical.

    Federation and defederation are two sides of the same coin. The one is the shadow of the other. Interpersonal boundaries are necessary for healthy relationships IRL, and they mainly come into play when telling people no, not when telling them yes. AP was absolutely designed with disconnection in mind. We know that because it’s a core function. If you want to tell me otherwise then you need to give me a quote, and then explain to me why I should care what the designer thinks anyway.

    Pretending federation is about connection and not disconnection is disingenuous. It’s meaningless fluff that as far as I can tell is perfectly suited to convincing people to let their guard down, and may well have been designed for that purpose.

  • That’s a theory based on the origin of the word, but nobody says that and if you tried to use it to communicate that idea, most people wouldn’t understand what you were talking about. So under a descriptive model of language, no, it isn’t octopodes. It’s only right if it works, and you can’t dictate language rules based on some preconceived idea of what is “correct”. Language is negotiated, not mandated.

  • Yup, you can do this for any loanword with unusual pluralisation. You can either use the plural form from the source language or from English.

    Octopi can also be octopusses for instance, but some people will tell you that’s wrong. Ultimately really, if your language is accepted and nobody is confused, it’s valid. The rules really aren’t as concrete as many people seem to believe.