• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I don’t disagree at all, but I do want to caution that as people who support changes in where investment money goes we have to make sure that “big city” changes like high speed rail aren’t all we talk about. The opponents have a good talking point regarding people who drive 10,20,50 km to work not having access to bus or rail. Yes, that is often the fault of those provincial leaders not investing in it, but it doesn’t change the criticism. We need to make sure we are investing in rural provinces and suburban areas to make public transport preferable in those areas too. Especially town to town transport or we won’t win rural support.

  • It’s an outward expression of Conservative hierarchical values (I rant about this too much maybe…). Conservatives conserve the traditional hierarchies of society, for example God over man, men over women, straight over lgb, white over PoC, self over society, rich over poor etc. For them, people listening to Greta represents a perversion of the traditional hierarchy. Why would they listen to a young woman, advising the betterment of society? She’s not an older man, she’s not saying get rich and think of yourself, she occupies a low spot in multiple hierarchies so she must be wrong. But it isn’t enough for her to be wrong, she needs to be dominated because that’s how hierarchies work, the higher levels dominate the lower. Sexual violence is one of the classic forms of human dominance, so they don’t imagine beating her in an argument, they imagine raping her into submission instead.

  • I didn’t tell you to ride your bike to the grocery store in - 30 weather, because that would be a very stupid thing to tell someone to do. I don’t know who you are arguing with. I’m saying that you likely don’t have very frequent days below - 30, and that this is information that can be looked up.

    I do this because I usually see this idea, the frequency of days below 30, used as an escape valve against electric cars. The realty is though, that the cars work in that weather and that those days are rare, so I don’t like to let the frequency claim go unchallenged and speak up when I see it to help ensure people think critically about the claim when they see it.

    Unchallenged claims become memes, which can be indistinguishable from truth for a lot of people.

  • On this court decision, all Pierre would say is he supports the “principle” of indigenous autonomy.

    But his entire party voted against this bill, they spent the debates rambling on about it being unconstitutional and falling under provincial jurisdiction, and now that is has unanimously been found 100% constitutional all he has to say is the same stuff he was saying in 2019.

    Take note, he’d of done nothing on this file and if he had his way this legislation would never have been passed.

  • Good news is we have those checks and balances already. Since 2009 Canada has recognized the right of minors to obtain or decline health care services on their own or over the objection of their parents. This is the mature minor doctrine and it was settled in the Supreme Court.

    In most jurisdictions, medical professionals and other licensed practitioners determine if the person seeking care can give informed consent or rejection of a procedure (including full understanding of the consequences, sound mind, etc) before performing it. This means doctors and patients determine the course of care and make private medical decisions.

    In Pierre’s world, and Danielle’s world, they know better than doctors and patients and would deny care, which we know for a fact leads to suicidal ideation in trans teens. Pierre doesn’t care about that, he literally doesn’t care if these kids die because they can’t get the care they need as long as he can make a wedge out of it. The fucking nerve of Pierre to call this a distraction.

  • Poilievre called trans health care “a divisive wedge” that’s being used by the Liberal government to “distract…”

    Classic Poilievre, disagree with him on the state banning life saving medical care and you’re the one being divisive and causing distractions.

    I’m honestly sick of people like Pierre calling everything that isn’t about dollars a distraction, there is more to life than money, like human rights and healthcare for example, the things he wants to trample all over.