I’m gay
I am most certainly not waving hands and saying that review is enough
Apologies, that’s what it sounded like to me. You said it’s clickbait. You said the title would work without AI in the title. You also said that AI generation isn’t relevant. That felt like diminishing the conversation - focusing in on what you’re most concerned about, and dismissing all other discussions. I don’t think that helps discussion happen. It discourages it. It says that we shouldn’t talk about the problems present here which exist outside the realm of just the review process.
For example, both of the figures do have a description, but neither of them have any kind of attribution. The review process might ensure it is factual when it is followed and still let through material such as that you’ve laid out above which do not involve AI - like hiring someone off of fiverr. One way to solve this would be with image attribution. As I mentioned above, simply requiring that an image explain where it came from, such as requiring attribution to the artist who created the figure or requiring that the software used be attributed (perhaps even requiring the full prompt for generated images) are all methods through which we can ensure scientific rigor (and accurate attribution) which will both help ensure the review process catches problematic material and cues the readers in to key information about the figures present in research.
Simplifying this down to an issue of just the review process flattens out the problem that generative AI does not think in the same way that generative human content does. There’s additional considerations that need to be made when considering using generative AI, namely that generative AI does not have a sum of knowledge to pull from in order to keep certain ideas in check, such as how large an object should appear and it doesn’t have the ability to fact check relevancy with other objects within the image.
We need to think about these issues in depth because we are introducing a non-human, specific kind of bias into literature. If we don’t think about it systematically we can’t create a process which intends to limit or reduce the amount of bias introduced by allowing this kind of content. Yes, the review process can and should already catch a lot of this, but I’m not convinced that waving our hands and saying that review is enough is adequate to fully address the biases we may be introducing.
I think there’s a much higher chance of introducing bias or false information in highly specialized fields where the knowledge necessary to determine if something was generated incorrectly, since generative AI does not draw upon facts or fact check, is in fact, correct. Reviewers are not perfect, and may miss things. If we then draw upon this knowledge in the future to direct additional studies we might create a house of cards which becomes very difficult to undo. We already have countless examples of this in science where a study with falsified data or poor methodology breeds a whole field of research which struggles to validate the original studies and eventually needs to be retracted. We could potentially have situations in which the study is validated but an image influences how we even think (or can acquire funding for) a process should work. Having strong protections such as requiring that AI images be clearly notated that they were created via AI, can help to mitigate these kinds of issues.
I can relate to being vulnerable and extremely influenced by factors outside of my control, tho
I get what he’s saying, and in many ways I agree, but the choice of words is too strong for the hypotheses he’s presenting. For example, he uses the following to bolster his claim
Abundant evidence indicates that people who grew up in homes marked by chaos and deprivation will perceive the world differently and make different choices than people raised in safe, stable, resource-rich environments.
Yet he mentions himself that we are subject to our external environment. Some of these individuals do not make markedly different choices based on these external differences, not to mention their own internal ones (genetics, etc.).
To make the claim that we have no free will because we are the sum of our environment + upbringing ignores that we have a modicum of control over our environment, and it also ignores how our interactions provide that external environment. We pass laws to further human rights and create a better environment so that people in the future would hold them in higher esteem and be influenced by these choices we make. In short, there is a field of possibility that lies within the maybes - our genetics and upbringing set us up for how malleable we are on any decision. Some decisions simply won’t happen and some outcomes are likely inevitable, but most fall in the space where there is a likely but not predetermined outcome which is influenced by the environment. This is why perfect predetermination is impossible.
In fact, this very viewpoint is even reinforced in the most physical of sciences - physics. In quantum physics we can at best determine probable outcomes. While there are theorists who believe in superdeterminism, or the idea that we simply don’t have all the variables to determine everything perfectly yet, superdeterminism has gotten no closer to explaining bell tests, the slit experiment, or other quantum phenomenon in well over 50 years. Increasingly complicated mathematics repeatedly show that there is a fundamental randomness to the universe that we seem unable to capture.
And I think it makes sense, in the context of what we know of biology and evolution. Brains are constructed in a way where signals are created almost randomly, and then organized to make sense of the world. Evolution has played a part to refine this processing so that it ignores what’s not important to survival and proliferation. If this process weren’t generative and random in some sense, we would not evolve and there would be little to no purpose for diversity. The world is constantly changing and thus our biology must account for this, meaning that it must be malleable and open to changes by the environment. If it is open to changes by the environment, then we must be able to influence each other and thus a concept of free will must exist that at the very least is a representation of the sum of all that activity.
Ibogaine has been used in alternative medicine to help people break addiction for quite some time. It just happens to be a psychedelic treated with extreme respect, perhaps due to the nonzero chance that it could kill you. Interestingly enough, this study seems to suggest that co-administration with magnesium may completely or at least significantly offset that chance.
To be clear, MAPS was actually not involved in this study, although it is fair to say their advocacy is absolutely pinnacle to the field of psychedelic sciences. But I do agree, MAPS rules
I spoke with the researchers on this particular study a few months ago at a local conference. This study is interesting to me due to a few factors:
Also, here’s a direct link to the article in nature
Both happen! It’s just work on phage therapy had to reinvent itself in the last decade or so and modern techniques are only just reaching maturity. We’re gonna see a lot more development in this space over the next decade.
The journal article is free on pub med https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6248753/
Yeah I mean I think they’re just taking issue with the breadth or scope of what they’re measuring and worried that by calling things conscious which people don’t typically think of as conscious, they’d make people doubt the scientific rigor of the field. I don’t think it justifies calling it pseudoscience so much as the early stages of hypothesis or looking to expand the colloquial or vernacular definitions of consciousness. To anyone who’s worried about that, I’d suggest that they talk with modern physicists because everything we know has gotten extremely weird in the last few decades as we’ve struggling with a lot of weird conundrums about what reality even is.
That’s not entirely true. It’s meant to categorize fields of study which try to pass themselves off as scientific, that is to say that they follow the scientific method. To call something pseudoscientific is to say that they aren’t following the scientific method. Fields of study which rely a lot on biases, exaggerated claims, are lacking rigorous attempts of refutation, etc. fall into this category.
It doesn’t say that.
Yes I very clearly stated what my *guess *was. Nothing says enough to determine what truly happened here. As someone who works in the medical field, I’m making an educated guess based on my knowledge of how medical devices, elective surgeries, and governing bodies work.
You asked how it might work, you didn’t say it had to be practical lmao
You require them legally to budget and plan these things and give them harsh penalties if they fail. That they need to set aside money in a way that it can’t be touched if they go under. You’ll likely need to hire teams at the government to help fill gaps and coordinate.
I mean, we should protect against that too by requiring a certain level of service. But at the very least they need to own the device and have the right to leave the device in, even if it would fail or potentially cause them harm. I pointed that out because it sounds like they wanted to leave it in and not listen to the doctors advice to remove it, but could not for some reason. The only reason I can imagine would involve someone paying for the surgery to remove it against her will is one in which she does not own the device and the alternative is being burdened with a massive debt to pay off the device.
Frankly the articles I’ve found all use a mix of really weird language. In some places it says she was ‘advised’ to remove it by doctors, which makes a lot of sense. In others they talk about finances and purchasing the implant from the company.
My guess is that it was a combination of factors and while she ultimately did not want to give up the device despite being urged by doctors (she accepted the risk of leaving it in), but she was robbed of the possibility by capitalism and the fact that the company was forced to liquidate assets as terms of going bankrupt or being bought by another company. But we might have to wait for a court case or proper reporting to find out.
I hope we are able to enshrine some rights over forced explantation in the future. As soon as a device is implanted in you, you should own it 100%, no matter the cost of the device. To encourage making this possible even for extremely expensive devices, we should probably offer huge write offs or some other incentive to these companies lest they decide to restrict their purchase to only rich clients.
Did you even read the article? It explains the science of how dietary fat is used in the body, cites studies which find optimal numbers for each sub-process and provides suggested guidelines for each section as well as overall. To say the answer is “we don’t really know” is a really weird stance given all this information.
As an aside this is the Science community, please don’t leave frivolous comments which do not attempt to discuss the science or do not start a productive conversation.
Direct link to journal article -https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2023.1339390/full