• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • That’s sooooo dumb holy crap. You’re so combative on things you clearly don’t understand at all!

    Industry standard are never “all beef must be sterile” that’s insane. Industry standards are “you’re allowed max one rodent hair per 100g of food” or “you’re allowed 3 insect larvae per pound of canned elderberries” (real FDA regulations). Industry standards ARE being enforced, they include minimum cooking temperatures for meats.

    I know you won’t understand why “don’t allow contamination risks” is absolutely brain-dead. I don’t have the crayons to explain it to you. Do a couple hours of research, figure out where contamination in beef comes from and what rules and regulations are in place to reduce the exposure risk. Then look up the way typical slaughterhouses and meat processors work, including the health and safety regulations that reduce contamination risk. Then look up why steaks can be cooked medium but not ground beef. Then look up what you need to do to make raw ground beef safe like steak tartare and med burgers. Then look up the cost associated with any single test for bacterial contamination on surfaces.

    Once you’ve got a good understanding of the situation, in general you’ll realize the regulations that are in place make sense and that more stringent regulation wouldn’t solve anything in a cost effective way, nor meaningfully reduce human contamination and disease.

    That or you won’t understand enough and you’ll still have a crazy opinion.

    Or, just maybe, in the rare case where you’re a brilliant, reasonable person, you’ll support some small budding initiative already in regulatory circles that makes a small incremental improvement to safety at a reasonable cost.

  • You’re thick as pudding.

    A clean kitchen isn’t enough. If your burger was made of preground beef you can’t eat it medium. If ONE of the pieces of meat that was processed that day in the factory was contaminated all the resulting ground meat is also contaminated. That’s why you cook ground meat to well done.

    If a restaurant wants to offer medium burgers, or steak tartare or some other form of undercooked ground beef, they have to grind it themselves, in small batches, and use practices that reduce contamination. They’ll usually still warn you on the menu because there is still a risk. There are restaurants in Japan that serve raw chicken sushi, same concept. If you ask for undercooked chicken at a restaurant, you’re an idiot, unless you’ve gone somewhere that can do it right, which usually starts from raising their own specially vaccinated chickens.

    Restaurants that don’t offer undercooked ground beef are just trying to warn you that you’re being an idiot ordering undercooked ground beef. If you make burgers at home from store bought ground beef and cook them to medium, same thing.

  • In a few years there won’t be any WWII veterans. That’s a big loss for humanity. The only consolation is that this kind of crap won’t keep happening.

    I appreciate modern media’s black and white view that Nazis are bad. That’s definitely a place where I don’t want to see a lot of public nuance.

    When it comes to individual soldiers thought, it’s always more complicated, were they supporters of Nazi ideology, or just fighting for their country, were they part of genocides and atrocities or trying to avert one? Ukraine especially really got fucked by everyone who took her over. The Nazis and the Soviets were starving and whoever had control at any given time just took all the Ukranian grain and starved the people who grew it to death.

    You can’t even discuss the topic without risking neo-Nazis or Putinheads joining in to support you. No thanks, I’d rather cut my own hand off than be helped up by these people.

  • Unless you printed the money yourself you’re not “self made” you got your money from other people. To get that money you depended on a society that is wealthy enough and connected enough to be capable of giving you millions of dollars in exchange for whatever you’re selling. Most of that capacity, both in baseline social wealth (health, education, and stability) is paid for through taxes. TAX THE RICH UNTIL THEY PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.

  • That’s not what I said. That’s also not what the report said. You’re arguing with yourself at this point.

    The report says at the beginning of covid costs dropped, but prices didn’t, with the difference going to profits. Then when costs went back up prices went up maintaining the existing profit margins. That’s a “price ratchet” and you can easily figure out what happens after a few cycles. Somehow the bank of Canada concluded this isn’t a factor in inflation because they looked at both parts of the price ratchet separately instead of together.

  • Sexism is already a problem we’re actively dealing with in Canadian society. We’re going to keep dealing with it, immigrants or not, until it’s no longer a problem (hopefully sooner than later). You’re acting like we’re just letting them be sexist when in your own examples they keep getting fired for their unacceptable behaviour. Eventually, everyone from “sexist immigrants” to “sexist rednecks” are going to learn what is and isn’t accepted in Canadian society.

    None of this rhetoric actually supports your racist, anti-immigrant attitude. We’re neither importing a new problem, nor are we allowing immigrants to break our social contract without facing appropriate consequences.

  • Let’s call out these fees for what they are: BRIBES.

    That’s the worst part about these fees: They still charge the public healthcare system. In effect we’re all paying for a small number of people to get priority service because they slid $5000 to the doctor under the table.

    I know that not everyone who pays the fee is complicit. Some people are easily fooled by the “membership” wording, and desperate for medical care.

    That being said, the clinics that ask for these bribes know exactly what they’re doing, they’re asking their customer to slide them money, outside the system, for preferential treatment. Doctors asking for bribes is disgusting behavior and we need to be clear that we all know what they’re doing, and we’re not fooled by “memberships” to access care we already paid for.