So we should do nothing and let people in their early teens see women choke on a dick while getting one up the ass and just say “What can we do? Some of them will get a fake ID! We can’t make the providers take responsibility can we?”
And big net neutrality advocates who believe that if it’s online it shouldn’t be subject to laws for some reason…
Funny how people just down vote when someone actually provide sources
And the alcohol providers are legally responsible for checking the age of the people they sell it to and can face fines if they don’t.
That’s the crux of the issue, if you provide age restricted material anywhere outside the internet you can lose your right to sell it if you don’t make sure people aren’t underage and now there’s Canadian companies that face no consequences for doing so because they operate on the web.
What is that I hear? Increase in support for Quebec’s independence because the rest of Canada is voting conservative again?
Hard to build a lasting house out of grass and that’s the beauty of wood, you grow it, it captures carbon, you cut it to build a house and it’s now stable for the foreseeable future.
The conservatives have the most to lose as the Liberals have the capacity to form an alliance with the NDP, the conservatives can only get in power if they can be elected with 40% of the vote or less.
The bloc is the party that’s the closest to getting the number of seats that’s proportional to the number of votes they get and they would probably gain from a proportional system.
Nature already invented carbon capture, we call it trees.
You’re mixing things up because the article intentionally mixed things up in order to generate hate towards Quebec.
There’s a good reason why support for Putin vs Navalny isn’t a rural vs urban thing but a getting news from TV vs the internet thing (contrary to most countries with freedom of the press).
Thing is, if we don’t complain when it works to our advantage then there’s no reason why it would change for something better. You should be celebrating the fact that for once the party that has the majority of the seats is the one that got the majority of the vote and that should be shown as an example of why a reform is necessary.
Where in the tax code can I see those tax rebates?
And those fucking actings that last forever because they don’t want to go through pools… I know some people who have been acting in the same position for 6 years! Technically they could be downgraded from AS7 to AS2 tomorrow morning!
That logic doesn’t work as it’s much cheaper to keep the buildings empty while waiting for the loan to end (businesses rarely own their downtown office) and there’s more profit long term for the owner in converting them to apartments.
But hey, public servants must go back to the office to please the public that’s jealous and that now complains about being stuck in traffic longer than before the pandemic because if they RTO for two days only, public servants will just use their car instead of taking bad public transit!
She won by 1300 voices but that’s not something to be proud of or celebrate as her being close to losing because it just shows how fucked first past the post is, she had a majority of the popular vote in the province by a good margin, if those 1300 had voted NDP instead the NDP would have had the power with 44% of the vote while the conservatives would be in the opposition with 52.6% of the vote.
From my point of view it’s not something that should be under their jurisdiction anyway so why were they financing it in the first place?
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You take control of what you can take control of. Fake IDs aren’t new, bars still need to ask for one. Canadian porn sites need to obey Canadian laws.
Also, our youth is so bad with tech that it doesn’t know how to use a computer when it reaches university, the tech genius generation was the late X and the millennials and they’re all over 18.