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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I didn’t shop around for car insurance very much, I ended up going with AMA, and my insurance guy was surprised I ended up paying less here than in BC, but like $50/year. Property taxes are going up crazy rates in Alberta right now, partially because bertians want everything but don’t want too be taxed ever. I was blown away by how expensive home energy is here, and the total illusion of choice. Alberta’s energy regulator is useless. You can pick your provider, but you’ll probably get taxed a “Atco zone” or whatever charge, then about $100/ month in “Administration” because they paid to upgrade the system ten years ago or something. It’s a mixed bag, there are something things that you won’t pay for, like the sales tax, and some gas savings, but other things you’ll get raked over the coals like 50% rent increases yearly, or property taxes going up 6%-8%.

    I’m terrified by the prospect of this “Alberta Pension” the government seems to be fixated on. They released wrong information and keep doubling down on it. Then there’s the renewable energy moratorium for no raisen whatsoever that lost something like a billion in investment. I’m here for university, and if the government doesn’'t stabilize, when I’m done I’m planning to flee somewhere else.

  • It’s complicated. Legally we don’t have “freedom of speech”.

    For clarification: Do I believe that’s a core human value? Absolutely.

    Do I believe that tolerance is a social contact we should all abide by? Very much so!

    Do I trust society to regulate itself? Heck no, from a sociological point of view that’s a mess for lots of reasons. In smaller communities it may be ideal, but anything anyone says now is considered on a global scale.

    So, from where I stand, it makes sense for a governing body to place limited restrictions on what a person should be allowed to say in the public sphere. This specific issue is debatable and relies on a certain amount of faith in the institution. Is it right that these people were punished for saying their beliefs? That’s another complicated view that depends on a case by case basis. Is it legally allowable that a politician be censured for what they say? That depends on what they said. Is it morally allowable? From a moral absolutionist point of view, probably not, but our charters were made to prevent people from calling for violence in the public sphere. Is it morally acceptable to allow for someone to call for violence in a very real way as a political representative? What constitutes violence? How far can we deconstruct the rhetorical arguments our society is based on?

    It’s complicated. We don’t have freedom of speech and we don’t have freedom from consequences. If you give people you agree with freedom from consequences you also have to give it to the people you don’t agree with.

  • There’s a ton of nuance on this issue, and I support people as long as they don’t do the things you said.

    It was the same thing with the freedom convoys, if they had ejected radicals and Nazis, I would have been inclined to listen. If these protests start supporting Hamas, or not ejected people who do then they would lose my support.

    I have not seen any antisemitism, or support of Hamas in any of these protests, so far just a lot of concern for people who are being oppressed by a significantly more powerful body politic.