just a dude on the internet

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Canadian here. I think the law is stupid. It’s literally free advertising. I use Google News to see a bunch of local and national news sources in one spot. I only see the article headlines. If I want to see anything, I have to click and go to the full article. The news companies aren’t paying anything to get aggregated and they get free traffic to their site.

    In regards to the quoting pieces of the article they’re linking to in search results, the brief snippets they provide often have barely any information at all or cut off before the information you want to see, so you have to click on the results anyway.

    Our government is just inept when it comes to the internet.

  • When I hear gimp outside of the context of the software, I think of gimp suits. In my area I’ve never heard gimp used as a slur for disabled people.

    I get that there’s regional slang and what not, but if every word that offended anyone anywhere was banned, we would have to limit our words to the point of barely being able to communicate.

    In my area, depending who you are, a silly term as “goof” is offensive. I almost got beat up for calling a guy one as a joke. Should I petition Disney to rename Goofy?