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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • So all the GOP politicians just cowards in the face of death threats because 2nd amendment and people can just go assassinate them? Did I read this right as I thought GOP is all about small gov and protect your stuff/property with your guns. Like they don’t have the slight courage to call it and fucking say this is a cult and I will defend my family like they defend their gun rights? Is US as a whole tolerate this type of behavior and not hunting down those and jail if they send out death threats while they swatting people from fake internet calls. What a hypocritical country I have to say.

    edit: after reading the link entirely, I am glad to say that some people’s head is still clear and thinking. But unfortunately the GOP political figures are disgraces of US’s founding fathers, more like shit stains of democracy.

  • https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/05/15/war-on-terror-911-deaths-afghanistan-iraq/

    Give it time? No, I think any military/tech advanced country would do the “retribution” as deterrent for that short lived celebration of terror act. The only thing that stopped massive scale wars between economic powers are that they do it in proxy wars and flex their muscle at the cost of people and lives that aren’t their own. Even if they are directly involved, see above, they aren’t shy away from just “use” their citizens as long as it achieve the political/military goals, while the arms dealers enjoy their record profits and funds worth them retiring for probably another couple thousand years for their offsprings. No matter how moral high ground people likes to pretend they are when they are not involved, we are not creature that thinks logically when things could have been prevented at much earlier stages.

    The smart and logical flees and avoid physical and violent conflicts like war because there are no logic reasoning with it. Yes there is logic of how to defeat or kill enemies or drain their supply, economic etc as the people behind flexing their manipulation power, but there are no logic on how to prevent more killings as the war started. Cause those would needed to be done way before the war started.

    The senseless death from any big scale conflict can be attributed back to mostly, guess who, yes, us everyday citizens. You gave those political figures power to decide when and how they send people to kill and die. From both side, regardless of the death tolls and how atrocious one side is killing another.

    I am not even touch the topics why the hate or bigotry is in place so they hate each other already before the conflict started. I am just assuming that most won’t care or if you do care you already did the homework.

  • Fadden said China doesn’t respect its own rhetoric on international scientific cooperation.

    “There’s another principle involved here. In international relations it’s called reciprocity — that if we allow them to do x, they should allow us to do x,” he said.

    “If you look into what the Chinese allow, I think you’ll find that very few westerners are allowed to study at Chinese universities looking into those 10 or 15 categories I’m looking at.”

    This pretty much sums up all the reasons. Don’t get me wrong, China have some of the brightest scientist and researcher in the world, simply because distribution is a thing. It’s much easier to get real talented people in pretty much any thing given huge enough population and if you direct your resource properly. You can say that their reliance on those odd approach might have killed their own innovation, cause talented people are still people, they can give up or trying to survive in their own way when the env do not give their best support and chance to shine.

  • So I guess you basically defeat your own argument in the first paragraph. Digital money transaction are traceable, up to the point it left that currency system, say bitcoin to USD, and then someone else withdraw that USD as cash, after it become cash then you just know who has it last. All the off shore tricks are using “legal” method to transfer large amount of money or offset the cost to make their balance sheet look like they don’t need to pay more tax. They don’t ship aircraft full of cash to anywhere. This is why they want to form the tax treaty alliance so every government gets their fair share of tax cuts.

    Do you know how hard it is to freeze someone’s accounts so they can’t function normally? Even the Fed, CRA can’t really do that without court due process. You said no one hoard cash in any significant amount, it’s only in first world where bank system is very trusted and reliable from abuse, that’s why. If you check any in other 3rd world country with flaky government or authoritarian, they hoard cash in USD etc. The moment any government official touches any “dissidents” account without proper process you are asking for trouble for people to lose trust in that whole bank system. They have to announce it ahead of time, pass the act, run the whole deal to then freeze about 200 accounts. (from CBC article.)

    And lastly, as with online misinformation campaign, despite a joke on our “very tolerant” gov that ignores proper protest process, those are not normal protests, and if it’s allowed to run protest without check, then you are asking foreign influence to just throw money on you until you bent. Or like running some social test on how effective to use money to influence political decision through non-official channel. Can the gov do no wrong, nope, I don’t think so. But at least in the west, they are treading a lot more carefully even with the power they have at hand. Similar to bank system, they can only wield it to not break majority trust, and politicians like their power like addicts like their drugs.

  • For these they can simply implement a mentorship for especially the medical sector, put them through a program that after you past sufficient knowledge/practical test, let the system’s senior evaluate and monitor for like 3~6 months. You should not just invalidate their degrees and ask them to go another 5~7 years to then back in to practice. The people that does evaluation of work should just judge base on the work and result.(say for surgery, there is 1 onsite that minitor the progress and keep marks/records, and another 2 or 3 randomly selected by the province authority to put additional marks from procedural footage/etc. And another round for post surgery recover/results/follow ups. If the best doctors in your system can’t evaluate how their new peers work is up to par, they probably shouldn’t be in that position.

    Oh, and fucking pay them well for doing these evaluations.

  • 3% is a good start but…

    You know they are gonna list the DST on the game purchase as well right? I don’t know the qualification for this or is there a cut off in revenue generated in Canada. But service tax, like sales tax, either by subscription or contractual(like cloud service, digital platform, etc) there are no Canadian owned version(that’s big and stable enough), so you ended up need to buy those and they can just slap that 3% on the price tag.

  • Inflation is high specifically because of high interest rates pushing people to spend more on mortgages.

    I am replying to you specifically in response to this sentence. I just use a apple selling business as example. No one has to buy mortgage to buy house, raising interest rate actually will fail the stress test for some people about to buy.(Thus they can’t even start borrowing process.) Thus pull potential money out of that market. Then somewhere down the road, the price will fall back to historical trend. So what if people already bought and can’t affordable to renew? They would try to sell, pay the penalty if any, compare to go default. Which also pull money out of housing market, eventually.

  • yo, that’s not how the policy work. The increase is to stop extra money pumping into market because if you try to borrow and do stuff, then the cost is higher, ANY borrowing. (so business, house, car, etc. )

    ie. if you are selling apple using borrowed money because the revenue-cost is positive enough to do it, interest rate increase will help stop you buying more apple(for resale) down the road. “but I can just offset the cost to consumer that buys my apple, right?” Yes you could but for merchant that does not need to borrow money to do it they have an edge over you. So while short term you will see people jack up price of apple to cover their bottom line, eventually, there is a point they can’t get price up anymore to cover cause people will switch to buy orange instead. So people will do less risky business that involves borrowing money. And consumer just pick whatever they can afford. So if there is a trend that apple is too expensive, it will stick and lag behind, it affects all the way to produce as well and some apple selling business will close, and farm would cut production if people are not buying, then if this goes on longer, they will have to lower the price to recoup the money compare to losing everything. And people that originally think borrowing money to invest in apple will think hard(if they have good advisor), thus not much money in this “apple” market. Interest rate increase affects almost all industry, but the price coming down, to historical trend of inflation, will lag behind and are not immediately visible.

    That’s also why too few competition in grocery is bad cause you have to eat, for business that people have no choice but had to buy/use to survive, they should be regulated. ( Just imagine if your provincial water supply is a public traded company. )