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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • You’ve built me into quite the straw man. I’ve read every bit of information provided to my community by the NWMO. I’m judging this article against that information.

    I have plenty of experience with the employees of the nuclear power generation industry. The phrase they’ve coined for working there is playing “Hide and seek for a grand a week, or stand in plain view for 2” Watching the money get thrown around to buy votes is gross. I’m not against nuclear energy at all, but if we were serious about generating energy from nuclear power we wouldn’t be endlessly rebuilding our grandparents reactors.

    The bunny thing is a targeted ad I’ve been seeing online for years. They have treated us like children and try to polish the turd buy underplaying what they actually want to do. Now as the vote draws nearer they’re pulling back the curtain more. They learned their lesson when Godrich said no to putting in the salt mine after they spoke plainly.

    My opinion is there’s huge money behind this decision and it doesn’t really matter what I think.

  • I’ve been getting my facts from the local news. I’ve been following this for the 20 years it’s been talked about. What makes some YouTube guys opinion worth anything at all? My information comes directly from the NWMO. My opinion has been formed by watching them splash money into every corner of the county and the targeted ads I’ve received for the last 8 years showing how many bunny rabbits we’ll have if we sign up.

    This is literally the first article I’ve ever read that says it’s going to be something more than dirty undies.

  • I guess the question comes down to, do you expect the government to do it right, the first time, with no fuck ups? I expect it’s yet more grift brought to you by the Canadian nuclear power generation industry. The way the NWMO organization throws money around it sure smells like grift.

    Every counter argument I’ve ever heard them make is that it’s “inert concrete cylinders” full of “low level waste, like rubber gloves and lab coats” and the ads I’ve seen have bunny rabbits and say “protecting our future”. This article says it’s fuel rods lasting for millenia. Doesn’t inspire confidence when they can’t even keep their story straight.

  • Living nearby and paying attention to this, they’ve always said it was “mostly low level waste, like rubber gloves and lab coats. What are you so worried about?” and here they say

    Within the used nuclear fuel containers will be the fuel bundles, or rods, made of corrosion-resistant Zircaloy.

    Love it when they brush off and underplay concerns and lie. Really builds trust. At least they’ve given us plenty of good bribes during this campaign. My town got some cool outdoor exercise equipment in the park that no one asked for. They also bankrolled The Bruce documentary which I thought was really good. Can’t find it online though. No doubt people are coming around to it, generations of highly paid dog fucking will had by the guys at the security booth. Probably even better than the make work at the Point.