• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 13th, 2023


  • It was the original purpose of the bitcoin algorithm to limit spam.

    If you have to do a lot of maths that takes your computer (for example) 30 seconds, that means it costs 30 seconds of compute to create an account. Nothing to an average user, for a spammer that wants thousands of accounts it gets expensive.

    Several captcha[0] libraries already use this and it’s great for accessibility (normal captchas are terrible for it)

    [0] I know, it’s not technically a captcha.

  • I think I need to clarify.

    I support mask wearing, I wore one despite being legally exempt on health grounds (autism).

    The fact is covid is still here, if anything wearing masks at a large scale gathering like a protest is still a very good idea on health grounds, especially for those with weakened immune systems, the unvaccinated, etc. It’s utterly mad to ban a protection device you once mandated when the problem it protects from never went away.