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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Immediate red flag to me, when one of the sponsors of the research is someone who directly benefits from its findings.

    Literally the most common reason anything ever has received funding, it doesn’t mean it’s wrong. They don’t really benefit unless it actually works in this case, unlike a sugary drink manufacturer looking to show that sugar is healthy on paper. This is too technical to be helpful to them optically rather it’s helpful in that it actually reduces the impact of their products on the environment in a provable way if implemented allowing them to avoid tighter regulation or outright bans of them. (for better or worse)

    That or their motives are less self serving, which is rare in the corporate world but does happen. Sometimes enough people at a company care to make things better.

    Also I’m sure they’d love to be able to take those plastics and turn them back into feedstock hydrocarbons to get nice virgin plastic on the cheap as oil prices inevitably rise in the coming decades.

  • I thought it was a given that Russia also can’t win but I suppose you can look at it this way, Russia could end the war right now if they wanted. It’s a whole can of worms but I think it’s vital for global security and stability that Russia does not take over Ukraine. Long term a win for Russia will cause more pain and suffering for everyone including Russian civilians.

  • Also I’d like to add it’s a massive shit sandwich for Biden to eat, it’s gone over about as well as you’d expect with his party. I doubt there was anything approaching a viable alternative.

    Also I will note that while these are still bad in no uncertain terms, the dud rate is under 2.5% versus the old school cluster munitions which had dud rates exceeding 40% (like the kind Russia is using now) if dropping ten of these prevents the Russians from dropping one of theirs you are coming out ahead in terms of UXO, not to mention any shortening of the conflict reducing the number of mines deployed by the Russian military who are a particular fan of the extremely problematic PFM-1 butterfly mines which are basically a way of dropping highly volatile UXO all over an area.

    War is hell.

  • Yeah, I don’t know what other people have going on, but I can tell you without a doubt I now get tired easier and have some days where I’m feeling wiped out even with adequate sleep and rest. This wasn’t something I experienced before, I could pretty tightly tie how I felt on any given day to my diet, activity level, sleep, and relaxation.

    It feels like it has improved very gradually. Hopefully my body can even itself out after a few years, which it feels like it will be at this rate, if at all.