COVID ? What COVID ? Oh yeah, totally forgot about this.
COVID ? What COVID ? Oh yeah, totally forgot about this.
Ça va bien aller. CONTINUONS.
Gérer des médias sociaux, c’est vraiment difficile, c’est énormément de travail. Juste la gestion du spam, c’est horrible.
43Milliards sur combien d’années? Le budget provincial c’est genre 150Milliards. C’est énormément d’argent.
Je sais pas pour le transport en commun mais esti que les fils dans les fucking poteaux devraients être nationalisé. On veut ReseauQuebec. C’est tellement cave que ce soit pas aux Québécois pis qu’on accepté de se faire fourrer par Bell et compagnie.
Caliss, avez-vous vu les forfaits chez bell ? C’est genre minimum 60$ par mois tabarnak. C’est quoi cette connerie là.
I’m only exposing a viewpoint that represents the reality of how a lot of landlord see these people. That’s why I shared my experience with my shitty tenants which provide a reasonable explanation of why a landlord wouldn’t want to risk taking someone like the guy in the article. And yeah, that sucks but that’s how the world is right now.
You are telling me that I’m a motherfucker because you think that I think that because he has tattoos, he deserves not getting an appartment?
What are you even bringing to this conversation asides from probably saying that landlords are “leeching the society therefore, they shouldn’t exists” ? You are virtue signalling and you are a piece of shit for doing it.
Damn, no one ever thought about that. I think you just solved the conflict. Good job!!1!11
Also, all you are doing is virtue signalling. It’s important to understand what could be the reason someone like this dude can’t find anything. One of those reason is the potential risk he may be for a landlord. That’s how it is.
What should we do to fix this ? Coop housing seems like a good idea.
The point of social media is to engage in meaningful arguments and to understand another point of view. All you are doing is just not understanding anything, insulting and being a piece of shit.
All I said, is that if you look like a shit head full of tattoos, life will be harder on you. A landlord won’t risk to get his shit broken because they pity this guy.
I don’t understand what’s so hard to get in this. It’s the same thing with job opportunities. If you look like a shit head, you won’t have a job. That’s it.
Repose en paix Karl et merci pour la musique et tes shows.
Sure, I’m out of touch said the motherfucker who can’t read. Read my comments again, they are not what you thinking they are. You are blinded by hatred. Wake up dumbass.
Having read the history of this conflict, I can’t see any other outcome than a bloodbath. Israel won’t stop until Hamas is eradicated and Hamas won’t stop until Israel is obliterated.
lol, good arguments my dude. Touch some grass and get back in reality.
That’s the sad reality we live in. You look like a criminal or a drug addict ? Then doors are gonna be closed on you. That’s exactly why I’m saying housing should be coop or gov owned.
Read my comments again and understand what I’m saying before commenting. It’s not what you think it is. Learn to fucking read moron.
J’pense qui faut relativiser là. Je sais pas c’est quoi exactement le fond dont ils parlent mais il doit certainement y avoir des critères pour y adhérer. J’pense pas que c’est du cash gratis.
C’est juste triste. Le modèle d’affaire des médias est a chier. Tu veux attirer le plus de monde sur tes médias, coûte que coûte, juste pour vendre d’la pub. C’est vraiment triste. Au moins, on a radio-canada.
What lol? I’m not complaining, I’m explaining why a landlord would t want someone like him. Can you read or comprehend what’s going on?
Merci mon tarbanak!
Ostie qui faut pas avoir d’âme pour faire ça. Criss de vidange.
J’comprends pas pourquoi on permet encore aux industries de produire plein de cochonneries qui font finir a poubelle sans avoir un plan pour recycler les sites cochonneries. T’sais la, les belles chinoises qui dure pas 1ans là. Comment ça on permet a ces compagnies la de créer des produits de marde qui vont finir a poubelle.
Anyway, j’approuve les emballages de l’Estrie.
S is Special. S tier is the top tier. Nothing beats the S tier.