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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Nearly all the rules members need to follow (which can vary from one tracker to another) are about seeding enough. That’s the main universal thing. Not allowing people to “Hit and Run”. For a member to do that, it typically takes dedicating some substantial drive space and seed time. Far more than most people are willing/able to dedicate. This allows the tracker to curate a large library of high quality material. That’s the primary ideology.

    Secondary to that, it has the added benefit of making sure everyone involved is “cool”. Cool as in, not a nark who’s going to get people sued and the site shut down. That used to be a big issue. I don’t know if it is now. I’m kind of out of touch with public torrent sites.

    As to why we’re insufferable elitists? What do you want me to say? Rulers’ gonna rule.

  • There are a lot of things I don’t like about academia’s traditions.

    Having references and sources is a must. Putting them on screen during a presentation is not.
    The presentation is not the authoritative final version of the research for others to reference. It’s the quick entertaining version. It’s the advertisement for the paper. The paper needs the citations. The presentation just needs to entertain and entice. A presentation is a kind of performance. A one person play of sorts. Audience members don’t stop a play in the middle to check sources, or ask questions. Q&A comes after the presentation is finished. You can have a separate slide deck, of only charts and graphics with corresponding numbers that you hand out to the audience specifically for questions. But that’s not part of the presentation.

    Or at least it should be that way.