I exist or something probably

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • You’re immediately going to posturing, something specifically not mentioned, to choose an interpretation which makes it nonsensical. It could simply represent a level of aggression and imperialist intent.

    No they are not incompatible thoughts.

    I really don’t care about this dude enough to argue this point any longer, just try to actually respond to arguments for their content and rhetoric rather than just choosing a nonsensical interpretation out of many sensical though still disagreeable ones.

  • I feel like this guy is largely just drumming up defense budget.

    But like, your critique is kind of a silly mischaracterization of what he’s saying that doesn’t actually address the content of his message. Yes, he’s saying that he believes China and Russia treat peacetime the same as wartime, and that they also consider themselves to be at war with Canada. These aren’t incompatible thoughts…

  • It’s been acknowledged in western cuisine forever too lol. You think western chefs just could’ve put a finger on meat char tasting good across all of human history??

    No it’s just that it was discovered to be a fundamental receptor on the tongue which responds to amino acids. It was discovered by a Japanese researcher. The weird eastern exceptionalism is just silly if you take five seconds to look into why it’s named umami.

  • Here’s the thing, our tissues are made of plastic. You can’t really escape plastics as people understand them generally. Collagen is a polymer, fundamentally no different chemically than any other common plastic. Plastics are incredible materials, that’s why we use them, it’s why they were selected for evolutionarily; the problem is more complex than whether something is a plastic or not, and so “plastic free plastic” is an admittedly absurd term for biodegradable plastic not derived from coal or oil which has less environmental impact.


    Just to get everyone on the same page here.

  • If they are writing using proper materials terminology then strength tells you a lot, since it has a pretty rigorous definition: amount of energy absorbed before failure.

    Which, given one of the researchers themselves is quoted talking about its strength, I’m guessing they are even unintentionally being more precise than you’re expecting of them.

    As for the properties: smaller sections being stronger is fairly normal amongst materials. The smaller a manufactured section, the more catastrophic any given defect will be. At a certain scale, you will be guaranteed to have either perfect, or already failed, material.