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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • It will be interesting to see how a distributed system solves this problem.

    The issue really comes down to the infrastructure costs. The fediverse is by design significantly less efficient with hardware than a centralized system. It isn’t that it’s difficult to scale, it’s just that it’s expensive to scale. And since the hardware is maintained by generosity of donation…

    This is offset by the higher interest in volunteer labour, though.

    I think the “solution” is just to accept that instances will burst in and out of existence (and favour) based on time and generosity.

  • Saskatchewan has been pretty solidly conservative for almost 20 years now. Alberta has had a left-wing provincial government more recently than Saskatchewan. Scott Moe is a huge source of Covid misinformation. Also he killed a woman with his car. Your guess is as good as mine as to how someone like that manages to take the provinces highest office. Actually very similar situation in MB as well.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that understanding The Prairie Provinces is a lot more complex and interesting than the rest of Canada ever seems to want to engage with, and these kind of Authoritative drive-bys (“Albertans are defined by an ultra-conservative fuck-you-i-got-mine ethos”) aren’t particularly valuable when trying to understand the prairies (explain why AB has one of the highest levels of support for abortion? Why was Calgary the first major city to elect a Muslim mayor?) But they do serve as dismissive and diminishing ways to generate national division, and frankly I don’t think feeding those narratives with terse snipes is valuable.

  • The UCP needs a bigger pot of pension funds to prop up oil and gas. They rewrote the laws a few years back to allow them to put health pensions in. I can only assume it went poorly and they need more gambling money to try and cover the debts.

    I’m as hard of a “no” on this as possible. I’m absolutely convinced that when the smoke and mirrors collapse the healthcare pensions are gone, don’t need to take Albertans CCP contributions w/ them.

  • We can control for less people on the road by looking at stats per-million km driven. And again, we’re not seeing any meaningful movement.

    And to the points around “maybe the true cases of people above the limit were EVEN HIGHER due to fear of testing around Covid” or “Maybe the actual THC content was EVEN HIGHER because of the time delay” they both actually drive to the same point:

    If we’re seeing way more people with THC in their system maybe more than we even know, and at levels of concentration higher than we can even test… Then why aren’t we seeing significant increases in accidents or fatalities per million kms? We CLEARLY see these patterns w/ alcohol. Why not THC? Why the disconnect?

    If anything, your arguments only make me think that THC levels that we’re seeing are safer than previously understood w.r.t operating a motor vehicle.

    Keep in mind, I’m not suggesting relaxing them. I’m just pointing out that the “skyrocketing” THC DUIs aren’t materializing.

    Or at least I’m not seeing them in the data in front of me

    Also, full disclosure, I am not a smart man

    If I’m missing a link or misreading something somewhere, let me know. I’m not married to my evaluation. I’m just trying to come to the same conclusion about safety as you and can’t seem to independently get there.

  • It’s literally, right this second, a Russian propeganda campaign to deny the Holodomor for the purposes of justifying their illegitimate claim on Ukraine.

    And it’s amazing for them, because they get to beat the “If you believe in the Holodomor you are a Nazi” drum.

    Denying any genocide is dispicable. The holocaust existed, it was a crime against humanity, and all parties responsible are war criminals of the highest order. The Holodomor existed, it was a crime against humanity and all parties responsible are war criminals of the highest order. Rwanda. Armenia. First Nations in Canada.

    I know the world is a nuanced place, but in general, if you want to find the Nazi, find the person who can’t bring themselves to acknowledge a genocide

  • The context you’re missing is the existence of the holodomor.

    They had been dominated and literally genocideded by Russia leading up to WWII.

    ANYBODY who shows up to kick out the people who genocided you is going to look pretty attractive in that moment.

    Asking a Ukrainian to side with Russian occupation in 1941 is like asking a Jewish person to agree be occupied by Germans in 1949. It’s a tough sell when the pain is that fresh.

    Anyhow, I’m not saying anything about right or wrong, just the historical context. It’s hard to understand Ukraine without understanding the Holodomor.