Андрей Быдло

злой русский

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • Cheers to you my dear countryperson and a signee.

    I’m not questioning his speeches (because talking about the faith of new regions is an easy way to get ten+ years in prison) but I’m still wondering why he’s accepted to collect signatures, donations. Last two or three years made me a paranoid doubting everything and speculating of conapiracies.

    Is it to let off steam for a politically active minority? Is it a project of Kremlin? Did mr. Guarant get tired of no competition at all? Is it an empirical survey of what people really think that isn’t forged by VCIOM? Did they found a way to make their oppression lists write themselves?

    I don’t know. But with all confusion and fear, I feel proud of myself I did that and talked about him with my friend group. And I’m proud of you too. And was very happy to see queues at my local post of people who, for whatever reason, wants this madness to stop.

    Anarchists, nazis, fooled workers, businesspersons, wifes of soldiers and even soldiers themselves (I probably saw one of them, can’t tell, camo is too popular these days) – I love to see everyone’s angry. Even the worst persons won’t disappear once the war is over, we would still be among them, even if we dislike the hell out of them. And at this point I would encourage and support literally anyone who’d say the war to fuck itself and stand by anyone who says it’s insanity. This learnt powerless that you’ve mentioned brings the bar that fucking low.

  • It was shut down as I heard, after four or five days. The thing is, it’s a little town and cops, OMON, requested reinforcements to supress a protest over one guy, protesters even got an agreement and got some people back from captivity (captured on the protest). Their governor would have a hard time explaining it to the boss, that’s for sure. He’d learn next time, but so would different national movements in other places.

    No real violence, the only things that came flying are snowballs, but people got some trigger to come here and stay, even though they had internet outages and local channels in collaborant social media were banned on the day one (and they are still known across all regions). I don’t think it could happen in 2019, but it seems like the decline in standards of living makes the commoners more active. There was a big enough core of people who came for the idea, then there were those who are just pissed at their life, then there were bystanders who join any social thing. It’s not bad, it’s natural. And thousands in Moscow were of the first type mostly, because there’s not many people who struggle to eat like these poor people do. Like we say, ‘The fridge came to win over the TV’.

    It’s leaked over in one small county now and set a precedent. My only hope is that these people won’t be charged in next weeks, months, as scheduling these things is a long-used tactic to calm down the reaction. We’d see if something like that would happen elsewhere. Not very soon. But things like that spread their bad influence on all kinds of wrongthinkers.