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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • "I believe this only underscores my point

    I was caught peddling bunk folk psychology to peddle my conspiracy theory about we are all getting manipulated to serve the evil overlords and that only makes my point stronger

    You didn’t engage with the study itself.

    I don’t engage with flat earth bullshit or other conspiracy theories either. I engage with things that are worth engaging with. An Amazon pundit piece peddling crap about your free will being taken away subliminal messages goes into the instant trash with the other garbage.

  • When you start out with such a massively misleading statement like:

    Industry is responsible for more than 20% of all emissions

    When industry is literally stuff like cars, industrial equipment, oil production, basically all chemical production, and so on and so forth.

    Cheap disposable plastic mall trinkets are not a major industrial sector. The vast majority of industrial spend is stuff that actually improves people’s lives.

    If you’re going to start criticizing “products” then again you’re talking about stuff that for the most part people just want. And stuff for the most part that people would want regardless of advertisements.


    You have never been under your own motivation

    Is what I’m talking about when I say it’s conspiracy thinking.


    Just maybe.

    People are able to think for themselves.

    It’s extra hilarious that you link a study on subliminal messaging, which is one of the fields in psychology that have been embroiled in reproducibility issues and fraud.

  • We all understanding that department stores and companies sold us all kinds of things we didn’t need

    The vast majority of this isn’t what makes up the economy or fossil fuel emissions and generally the people engaged in random department store shopping are doing it well under their own motivation.

    Life pre department store era , we’re talking pre 50s, you’d be considered insane to have the stuff we do

    Fantastically wealthy you mean. People in the 50s wanted to have all this crap too. They just couldn’t have it because the economy was tiny.

  • You greatly underestimate the incentives at play here. In France it wasn’t the wealthy who rioted over the gas tax. It was the average person.

    The rich for the most part can afford and handle a transition, but the guy who is just barely making it now with the supercharged fossil fuel economy? They will not give up what they have in a million years. Not willingly.

    There’s some issue with like big companies wanting to keep their business model and lobbying for it, which is a real concern, but that’s going to be a concern even with public companies with no “one percent” making the decisions.

  • Basically eat everyone more wealthy than an income of like 2 dollars a day.

    Or invest heavily in nuclear power, implement work from home like in the COVID days for all workers that can do it and force companies to adapt to reduce car use, continue to incentivize solar and other green energy, and institute a hefty carbon tax.

    Invest heavily in insulation for old homes and apartments, require landlords pay half of tenant electricity use.

    We could cut emotions like in half if we were sufficiently motivated.

  • the top 1% is creating around 25% of the pollution with their Jets and yacht etc

    This is assinine and doesn’t even slightly pass the smell test. 25 percent is a LOT and private jets and such would have to be absolutely nutty to be accounting for that much.

    In reality this number is based on a shitty study that counts workplace and investments as your emissions instead of consumption. This is basically saying:

    You own a company that produces X, you’re responsible for those emissions, not the people who buy them.

    At that point your emissions figures aren’t a measure of emissions, there a measure of stock ownership. Ending the emissions of the wealthy would also end your access to everything their investments produce, which is like… everything you buy.