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Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • I think it’s fair to roll it out in stages. Big systems take time to change and implement.

    It also makes the most sense to start the roll out with commonly used drugs and lower-income families. Families earning $100K+ don’t need immediate relief on drug costs, not the least of which because they likely already have private coverage from their employment.

    A single-payer system will obviously be the best and most efficient, but a 5-year roll out (or whatever) is totally reasonable. Big change takes time, and that’s fine.

  • Somewhat related:

    A recommendation about teaching controversial topics: you need to build connection first.

    I mean, that’s true of all teaching, but when you start to question the (prejudiced) things they’re hearing from trusted adults at home, you really need to have a strong relationship with the students.

    Being an anti-racist pro-SOGI educator in conservative communities is hard.

    I wish you success in your career! Teachers have such an opportunity to make a huge impact on the world.

  • Agreed. I copied that exact quote to see if someone called it out already. Also this one:

    educational messages tend to try and educate the consumer on the moral and economic damage of piracy.

    Citation fucking needed.

    As an anecdotal example, I pay for Netflix, Spotify, Prime, and Kindle Unlimited (and CBC Gem partly through taxes), I regularly buy videogames and ebooks (and pay for a library with taxes), and I buy phone apps. I’m paying as much as I comfortably can for media in various forms.

    I also pirate TV/film content, books, games, apps, operating systems, etc. A lot.

    But about half the TV/film piracy is content I have already paid to get streaming access to simply because it’s easier to pirate than figure out which service it’s on, and the other half is mostly freely available on YouTube at garbage quality.

    The content industry, net everything, is getting all the cash out of me that they ever will. Piracy has 0 net effect on my media spending; I’d just consume different content, content at a lower quality, spend more time on Where To Stream, and get books from the library a bit more often.

  • Exactly what’s happening in Alberta:

    UCP: “Parental Rights™ are why we are not allowing youth to choose their preferred names and pronouns!”

    Public: “Lets just ignore the dog whistling in those capital letters for a second; you’re saying that parents who, in consultation with medical professionals, want to help their non-cis children in transitioning will be supported, because you support parental rights?”

    Danielle Smith: “Fuck no. What a ridiculous question. You must be a pedophile for even asking that. I can’t abide icky trans people in my province while I’m premier. I was elected, so only my opinion matters. What do doctors have to do with anything? They’re not parents and Parents Know What’s Best For Their Kids™.”

  • Students figure out how to dodge any website blocking schools put into place. It just takes one kid to figure it out, then it spreads through the whole school, and pretty soon everyone is using a sketchy free VPN that might be doing man-in-the-middle attacks or running a crypto miner or whatever.

    The only real solution is parental (and teacher, in the context of schools) training and supervision. Anything else and students will figure out Tor, or VPNs, or private trackers, or pirate streaming sites, or random sketchy websites (depending on what they’re trying to block). It’s futile, and encourages students to do unsafe things to get around the blocks.

    This will be no different. There are hundreds of ways to avoid this. For a high-profile example, see “VPN” search trends in Utah after porn sites geoblocked the state of Utah.

  • Instead of Parroting the Media, maybe actually go and listen to his uncut, unclipped answering of the media. Unlike what Trudeau seems to do, Pierre is seemingly actually able to speak a whole sentence without stuttering - almost like he is actually confident in his remark: And that is bloody refreshing.

    Pierre Poilievre does not “talk straight”:

    But Poilievre’s team have recently instituted a policy whereby journalists may only ask one question each, no follow-up, five in total. (His flacks cite “time constraints” at each event.) This practice revives an old tactic from the previous Harper government, which grew tired of the media by the end of its nearly-ten-years in power and clamped down on all the pesky question-asking.

    The Conservative media wranglers snatch the microphone out of reporters’ hands as soon as they ask their question, depriving them of any retort to dear leader’s rants.

    In responding, Poilievre generally lumps these questions into one of two categories — ones he likes, which he can use to deliver an answer that may go viral; and ones he doesn’t, whereby he can attack the journalist for asking them and achieve even more virality.


    He brings receipts, too. You can see his entire unedited question and response if you want to check his characterization.

    Trudeau says a whole lot of nothing in most of his responses, granted, so he’s not much better. At least he usually addresses the actual question?

  • Yeah, bad economic news leads people to wanting change, regardless of its rationality. If the economy and inflation turn around, things could change dramatically. Small things like rebranding the Carbon Rebate might help a lot, too. People will hopefully be a lot less accepting of PP’s plan to remove Carbon Pricing when they lose out on hundreds of dollars every quarter (and the world burns in the summer, and all the BC fruit dies in cold snaps).

    The US Election might scare people away from conservatism a bit, too, depending how their descent into fascism goes… one can only hope.

  • Trudeau said, repeatedly, publicly, as a campaign promise that the election that led to his first mandate would be the last election in the FPTP system, then put together a sham process that inevitably did not work (and/or didn’t support the Ranked Ballot system that would benefit the Liberals the most).

    I do not trust the Liberals or Conservatives to give us a good electoral system, like Single Transferable Vote or list-less-MMP. Our only hope for real electoral reform is an NDP/Green government of some kind, and the NDP don’t stand a chance at forming government right now (unfortunately).

  • Absolutely. It should always have been labeled better. It’s insane how much mileage the Cons have got from that con. It’s not a tax; it’s revenue neutral.

    Trudeau is so hated that I think we’re unfortunately going to have an anti-trans bigot as our next PM.

    I feel like we’re a"light" version of what the US is facing; the hateful, racist populist will beat out the milquetoast, “fine” candidate due to “an enthusiasm gap”. Punching down on 2SLGBTQ+ and “foreigners” shouldn’t be a winning play in Canada. It’s sickening.