• 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2023


  • I do think that the book carry some important messages like questioning authority, being agents of one’s own life. On the other hand you it is rather conservative and some bad stereotypes.

    But the question is: for which novel doesn’t this apply, too? I think one can look past those things if one looks at the overall message here. Also, the universe and the fandom has developed since the original series. Look at the game: its very diverse. Ok, you still have the antisemetic stereotypes, but its definitely a step forward.

    So yes, I think the H.P. still has something for society to profit from. The popularity also speaks for itself. If you like it or not, it will stay a part of society for a while.

    So instead of banning the whole thing (which is unrealistic in the long run anyways), I think it would be good to embrace its healthy parts for the Fediverse.

  • Well, the H.P. fandom stands in the center not Rowling or her books. I think one should differentiate with that.

    Also: yes, the books contain antisemitic stereotypes, but Rowling herself hasn’t said herself anything antisemitic to my knowledge. Some of her statemets are transphobic, but the Fediverse has enough room to carry out this conflict.

    We are not in centralized social media anymore, where you have to be on the same site as everybody else. If you are on the same instance as a transphobe and you oppose that: change instances. If you don’t want to be on an instance that federates with any transphobe content: change to an instance that de-federated with any of those instances. That’s all possible in the Fediverse.

  • That’s black and white thinking and undemocratic. Conservatives respect democracy and should therefore be a part of it.

    Also they obviously something to contribute, next to Liberalism and Socialism, Conservatism is one of the biggest political traditions. Let’s not be so stupid to assume that it’s complete bullshit.

    Conservatism protects traditional institutions, watches that change is not too fast and traditionally, also warns against too much destructering of traditional societal structures by the market. Maybe modern conservatives don’t necessary do all of that, but it’s a tradition that has earned itself.

  • What do you mean? Sure with Nazis and Tankies I’m okay to split with permanentaly, but other instances its a dynamic, always changing process. This is much more what societal debate looks like than on Twitter/Threads currently.

    In the Fediverse, finding together is encouraged because it increases your user base. On Twitter, fight means more money for the owner, so fights and splits are encouraged there.

    So yes, Fediverse is better at simulating societal debate. My article was never about preventing splitting in the Fediverse COMPLETELY (this will and should never happen), its about preventing a split of democratic forces into tribes that fight each other and don’t manage to unite and that are in constant fight like on Twitter/Threads.

  • I’m not saying that your instance needs to federate with her. But it would be good to have her as part of the Fediverse and say: look world, in the Fediverse, people can discuss things much better than on Twitter.

    That’s all I’m saying. I’m not even saying she is a good or bad person. I do think some of her statements are transphobic, but I also think she got radicalized because of the cultur war. I’m pretty sure in the Fediverse, once discussions are not heated up by algorithms, some people might become more moderate again.

    Will this be the case for Rowling? Not necessarily. But she should still be in the Fediverse.

    (Or at least at some point; counting her in this early may have been too provocative)

  • Well, there are always people who want a more safe space and in turn leave (or threaten to leave) a certain environment. Whether the environment then choses to make itself more safe or to stay the same is a careful consideration. Making it more safe might make other users leave, but also attract others to the instance.

    In the same way, there will be people calling for more openess/“free speech”, prompting the same consideration.

    For me, the basis of this is given by law; everything else needs to be negotiated dynamically, how open/save an instance is might change over time depending on its users.

    Now, in this debate, identity politics tends to favour more safety by default, which might make sense at first, but if you follow it through consistent, you end up in something like garden eden. Because there, everything is safe, you don’t need to fear any threat whatsoever, but you are also not really doing anything. If you default to “safe is always better” you end up in a totalitarian system.

    So safety/openness is in general a worth consideration and it should be dynamically debated. Maybe in a few years, consent-based federation proves itself to be a best-practice to make a place safer for trans people and becomes a standard; then we all adapt it happily - that would be fine with me; but if so, I see it at the end of a process.