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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • I mean, yeah? Basically everyone who could work from home in April 2020 was forced to do so, regardless of whether they or their employer wanted them to. Now there’s more of a mix.

    Still some interesting nuggets in the report and article, though:

    StatCan found that dual-income couples who make among the most money in the country were nine times more likely to work from home between April 2020 and June 2021 than couples who both work and who are in the bottom 10 per cent of Canada’s earnings distributions.

    It’s one of those situations where it seems obvious that a lot of lower-paying jobs require manual labour that can’t be done remotely, but the discrepancy still feels really large.

  • Front Burner definitely has ups and downs depending on the topic, host, and guest, but I struggle to find a way of getting the news closer to what I want. It’s about 20 minutes on one topic which gives me enough of an overview to figure out if I really need to care or engage further while still keeping up with contemporary events. There are lots of ways to get inundated with topics without enough context to know whether to care or worry, and there are lots of deep dives for things I know I care about, but Front Burner sits in a middle ground I haven’t found the right way to replace even if it hasn’t been as strong lately.

  • It’s unlikely 2024 will be worse than this year simply because this year was so exceptionally bad across the whole country. It’s not common for us to see problems coast to coast, if only because there are multiple factors that need to be bad for serious fire behaviour and it’s hard to get those to line up everywhere at once. When we talk about bad fire years, it’s usually due to a few provinces being bad, not every province.

    That said, it will probably be bad, and 2023 probably won’t be the worst year in the next decade. Climate change is getting worse, forest management is slow to fix, and we already have so many communities in the trees that interface fires are practically a given.