I agree that limiting the amount you can have personally makes sense. 50g is just way too little I think. A very normal sized plant in a standard pot will easily produce significantly more than 50g of bud.
There definitely needs to be a limit. Not letting people have more than a kg for example 100% makes sense. Letting people grow their own is a fantastic way to cut out the black market. But we need to make sure that people who are growing their own don’t need to fret so much about staying under a very low gram limit. If people like me are worried about accidentally letting the plant grow so it produces 51g of dried material then I’m less likely to do it myself and will acquire it another way.
If the limit is say 200g then you could comfortably grow one plant in a normal sized pot. Harvest it. And be under the limit without stress, and not need to buy any for a whole year until you grow more the next year. No need to buy from a black market then.
Oh yeah it’s definitely a great start and I don’t want to let perfect be the enemy of good enough. Hopefully it all goes well and further liberalisation can follow, along with changes to treaties to expand even further. I was just a bit shocked when I saw the low amount you can have at home.
Theoretically, if two adults lived at home would the limit be 100g? That might make things less stressful.