Hi, I am Clot (ofc thats not my real name). I like programming (specially rust), my first PL was python (as expected). I am here to explore lemmy and get out my distractions on reddit :D

  • 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 18th, 2023


  • That article literally praises telegram despite being non e2ee by default, authorities can only get ip address and phone number from it (those are public info already and both of them could be avoided by using voip amd paid VPNs), that just proves how solid mtproto have become. Also they are saying one can see your telegram message when they are physically logged in your account for which the Russian authorities took the help of their ISP, in that case its not telegrams fault, set up 2fa on your account or use VoIP.

  • Except if you open source server, there’s no way to verify it is using same code anyways and their client is already open source so waste point.

    sometimes they release the source, but the hashes of the builds don’t even match.

    When did this happen? Source?

    Signal asks phone numbers, emails are universally known. If you don’t want to give them your real phone number, buy one from fragment.com (their web3 service where they sell phone number for crypto). Emails are already public and they ask them only for recovery process and its opt on so there’s no problem with that.

    All chats are encrypted by default from private to group using mtproto, where there have been no breaches found yet so stop spreading misinformation.

    Again telling personal experience which maybe lie, can you share source of your claims? Which journalist got arrested due to telegram?

  • I would prefer telegram because its just not from Meta. There is bounty on breaking telegram’s protocol too.

    Telegram sells ads on public channels with consent of owners and the ads are based on the channel data and not users data. They are back up with their crypto schemes, infact idk whats wrong with crypto, they are better for privacy than normal bank transactions. Anyone cant pay from their pocket for lifetime, it was coming since longway because telegram have no parent company to fund it neither its founder are that rich to spend billions of dollars on it every year. Those “nitro” features didnt take anything away from free users tho, also if they are trying to cover up their cost from the userbase that just proves they have no dubious financing from backdoors.

    I dont know how rape laws are connected with a messenger being based there. US have its social problems too or wherever signal is located, every country have social issues.

    Yeah facebook is big enough reason to not use facebook. On top of that there have been no data breaches, almost no big outages in telegram till date. They offer a lot of features, from bots to channels, to large public communities and much more.

    Telegram just claims its private enough and they never said they are e2ee by default, I dont see the misinformation here, yeah they exaggerate it sometimes but the fact that there have been no data breaches in a decade with almost 800 million monthly active users is quite a bit of achievement. They invested on developing their own encryption protocol, it maybe less private but they made it to remove complexities which signal have. There’s no point on having some 100% secure stuff when no one gonna use it due to complexities, telegram have fueled pro democratic protests worldwide and I thank them for that atleast (even they got banned in many countries for doing so).

  • Messages are stored on the server, not on the device

    Yes, pretty much necessary to provide multidevice support

    end-to-end encryption not enabled by default

    True that and telegram sucks big here, but I donth think e2ee can be enabled in a feasible way for multiple devices.

    uses proprietary encryption, making security audits difficult

    The MTProto isnt open source but its fully documented, there have been security audits on it.

    dubious financial backing

    No. Pavel Durov have always said since starting he paid for telegram’s servers from his pocket, in recent years telegram has started monetisation programs to cover its costs.

    Russian developers

    The founders were born in Russia, but they now have dual citizenship of UAE and France. If you are talking about politically questionable, even signal have been accused of having backdoors for CIA.

  • the fact that E2EE is opt-in already makes this app ridiculous

    in matter of privacy, yes. But it have cool features so.

    They’re stored in plain text on Telegram servers

    No, non secret chats use mptroto but with different schema, thats not plain servers. And no data breach have been reported in telegram yet if it was “that” easy to breach them. From my last comment: “Also the research you shared is based on mtproto 1.0 which telegram abandoned almost a decade ago and there have been No such defects found in mtproto 2 yet.”