• 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 19th, 2024


  • I’m on OpenRC, so I can’t say anything about systemd, but I have several SSHFS mounts (non-auto) listed in my fstab:

    sshfs#root@ /mnt/random-folder fuse noauto,uid=1000,gid=100,allow_other 0 0

    Is that similar to what you’ve tried in your fstab? I’d assume replacing noauto with auto should just work, but then again, I haven’t tried it (and rebooting my system right now would be very inconvenient, sorry).

    It also might require you to either use password-based login and specify the password or store the SSH keys in the .ssh directory of the user doing the mount (should be root with auto set).

  • I am very skeptical about this.

    Secret plans by the EU to hurt one of its own member countries? And the proof is a document seen by FT?

    And rather than sanction Orban and his accomplices, or making it harder for his country to work against the EU, the plan supposedly is to harm from the bottom up? And in secret, even though decisions/resolutions are made by an open parliament of countries?

    To me, this report sounds a little bit too much like those Russian “news” that you’d find on Sputnik & co. Perhaps even like preparation for another Brexit scenario where they fan resentment through misinformation and social media seeding (remember these terms? “red tape,” “Brussel bureaucrats,” “autonomy,” “it’s unreformable,” …).