Not all of these mini PCs have a wifi card in them even if they have the antennas for it. You might start by opening it to check whether the wifi antennas are connected, or whether you need to add a WiFi card.
I think OPNsense would do what you’re looking for. I use it on a mini PC as my router, and it’s great, but I have not used it for WiFi (I run a separate access point). The limitation is WiFi hardware support. You will need to make sure your mini PC’s WiFi card has a driver in FreeBSD. Intel hardware is often a better bet than Realtek etc.
I’m starting to wean myself off all US services and subscriptions, and avoid US products wherever possible. I’d encourage other Canadians to do the same and buy Canadian wherever you can.
I can’t believe we’re two weeks into Trump’s presidency and already people are seriously discussing whether the USA is going to take over our country by force. Canada and the USA’s other former allies needs to do everything they can to forge new trade relations that leave the USA out of the picture. Otherwise the Trump-Putin axis will be ready to swallow us all.
How pathetic is it to respond to political difficulties by ramping up your persecution of trans people? I can’t think of a lower move, except perhaps supporting any politician who does this.
Which is exactly why the right wing always undermines public media.
Dunno, but it needs more of the hammer treatment.
And spying is privacy.
Some of us are just hanging around with old age looming and no money to afford a house or for retirement. We have to keep working until we die, but no one’s going to give us a job until then. The only question seems to be whether death gets us before or after homelessness and starvation.
Normally when I say this someone comes out of the woodwork to say it’s my own fault I haven’t saved up a bunch of money or bought a house. I assume these people are either young or lucky, because life can take unpredictable and expensive turns.
Politically, being financially screwed after growing up with Reagan and Thatcher, and seeing the globally destructive consequences of neoliberalism playing out over decades exactly as expected, actually kills all doubt that greed is bad and more than ever we need a radical left turn.
Gen X is a mixed bag. While some went cheerfully into corporate management and others are established capitalists, a good number are living lives of insecurity while watching the capitalists destroy the world our children already live in.
It’s still Microsoft. Here’s what they say about privacy anyway:
If age verification is really the intent then it ought to be possible to develop a service these websites can call into that gives some kind of zero-knowledge age check. The age check service doesn’t need to know the identity of the service that’s asking, and the requesting service doesn’t need to know the identity of the person whose age they’re checking. You’d authenticate on a site that only knows someone’s doing an age check, and the verifying site would just get a token indicating that the age check was successful.
Am I missing some reason why this wouldn’t be possible? It seems to be a problem ripe for zero-knowledge solutions.
If it is possible, there’s really no need for an age check requirement to involve disclosing your identity to the site you’re visiting, or to disclose your viewing habits to anyone. And if governments or lobbyists are pushing for everyone to upload their full identity to web sites, it suggests either they’re ignorant or their motives aren’t what they claim.
It’s not easy to gain entry to another “better” country for most people. You tend to need money, connections, or specialist skills. When people say “well, then I’ll just move to another country” they may be unaware of this.
“While this perceived tyranny is widespread across the movement, other narratives are becoming increasingly common among adherents,” the brief says, citing opposition to:
- the LGBTQ2S+ community, specifically drag story times and inclusion of material in public school curriculums;
- perceived increase in global control over Canada by international institutions such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum;
- communism;
- and the concept of “15-minute cities,” on the basis that planning easily navigable communities is a plot to restrict mobility rights and create a mass-surveillance state.
It’s just being ill-informed about everything and easily manipulated, with a heavy dose of bigotry. Shame on Poilievre and the Conservatives for indulging this stupidity for their own gain.
That would mean taking a stance on an issue, which might alienate some voters somewhere.
Climate change only affects westerners? Things are going badly for the world.
What kind of fantasy world do you have to live in to see Justin Trudeau as too radical? Either PP is knowingly making shit up for votes or he’s out of touch with reality. Neither qualifies him to lead the country.
Either this hasn’t launched yet or it’s for the USA only, since the links just take me to the regular Mozilla Monitor service.
They should sue Alan Turing and John von Neumann.
“Just be equally rich” isn’t really a good solution to the problem of billionaires having undue influence in politics and media.
Discovery was always the thing that made streaming services better than buying recordings individually. If these services stop being good for finding new music, then there’s not much reason to keep using them.
It’s a fascist tactic, to sow confusion by “just joking” right up to the day when suddenly they’re not just joking but pointing a gun at you.