I would’ve rather we had the tariffs to be honest than negotiate with a compulsive liar with no ethics.
I would’ve rather we had the tariffs to be honest than negotiate with a compulsive liar with no ethics.
Have to make sure it’s a real farmers market though and not one that just buys bulk and resells calling them farm produce, often at a considerable markup.
I agree but it’s not the US, it’s the US government. Yes it was elected by US citizens, but a lot of them were misled by liars and I blame their (and our) education system which permits adequacy.
The US playing right into Russia and China’s hands by fracturing good relationships amongst the world’s biggest allies. Putin and co. couldn’t ask for a bigger gift on a silver platter.
But I’m not worried about Canada. We will develop other trading partners and persevere until the US comes to its senses. Hopefully won’t take 4 years.
My only issue is this site should be filtering out anything not made in Canada. No made in china / Asia products.
Just having a Canadian office isn’t good enough. I don’t mind components sourced from Asia but should be significantly assembled here.
Preparing for the “I don’t get to work remotely so neither should you” crowd. I’m sure they’re coming to shill for big business.
Managers hate work remotely. Less opportunity to micromanage employees to prove their own worth.
At their immediate manager’s pay rate if not the CEO’s pay rate.
Yup I like it.
Maybe having some laws that if a company decides to close a business after unionization then any remaining Canadian company assets are taxed at a rate to pay a reasonable living wage to those displaced. The alternative being complete withdrawal from the country.
I’d love a stronger partnership with Mexico too. Their food is awesome and culturally they’re more interesting than the US. Shame the US is in the way actually.