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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • “We’ve got a great team of amazing people who are putting forward the kinds of solutions that Canadians need, whether it’s on housing, whether it’s on paying for groceries, whether it’s on building strong careers for the future, fighting climate change, reconciliation,” Trudeau said.

    Have their ideas gotten any farther than an email or meeting? I haven’t seen any action. If that were my job I’d have been fired long before 8 years. I wouldn’t have the balls to ask for a 4 year extension.

    Housing? Immigration is set to increase the population orders of magnitude more than housing starts. Nothing has changed regarding corporate landlords scooping everything up. Most MPs have a lucrative side gig renting out homes at inflated, crippling rates.

    Grocery prices? What have we done? Invited Galen Weston to come to a committee and shrug? They’re still more expensive and in smaller packages.

    Strong careers? Salaries have come nowhere near increases caused by inflation. A small number of unions have negotiated something decent, but the government sure doesn’t get any credit for that.

    Climate change? The country is on fire annually and the last thing you did was buy Alberta a pipeline nobody can use. The time for action was 30 years ago. You were in power for the last 8 and did nothing.

    Reconciliation? You made a holiday for government workers and then went surfing.

    The only thing the Liberals have they can use is “we’re not the CPC”, which is often enough, but pretty flimsy when your track record of the last 8 years is part of the next election.

  • I can’t recommend an all-in-one primer, but if you want to look up guides independently, you’ll probably be most interested in these tools/services:

    • a Usenet host (paid. they’re largely the same. Look for deals)
    • a Usenet indexer site (analogous to a Pirate Bay type search engine). I like nzbgeek but there are hundreds. Many require a small annual fee and this may be worth it to you, but you can use free ones to test your initial setup.

    A Usenet indexer is going to let you download .nzb files, which is analogous to downloading .torrent files from a torrent indexer. The nzb describes what posts in what newsgroups contain the files for a particular release.

    • SABnzbd (download client, analogous to a torrent client like Transmission)
    • browser plugins to simplify clicking an nzb download link and sending it to SABnzbd (not always needed if you’re running everything on your local machine, but important if your SAB instance runs on another server or in a Docker container)

    If you’re looking to set up some extra infrastructure for automating a lot of steps, there’s also web apps to cover a ton of video use cases, like:

    • Sonarr and Radarr (for monitoring specific tv shows and movies and automatically searching for nzbs, downloading them, and moving them to a final home on disk)
    • Plex or Jellyfin (for providing a Netflix-like UI you can use to look for something to watch and then stream it to your browser/phone/TV)
    • Overseerr (for a single interface to look for shows and movies and have them automatically added to Sonarr/Radarr.

    I’d highly recommend setting up Docker and putting all of these apps into separate containers. Linuxserver creates easy to setup and update Docker packages for all these things. It’s also a great resource for finding other web apps you didn’t know you needed.

  • I sure want the prosecution to win in this trial, but I agree with the defence’s request here. This reeks like the US Secret Service losing a ton of text messages surrounding the January 6th coup attempt because there was another convenient “device upgrade” that caused messages to be irrecoverably lost.

    The courts should be coming in hard telling law enforcement agencies that you don’t get to destroy data you’re supposed to be archiving because “shrug there was a system upgrade”.

    This is a serious oversight and compliance problem on the part of police that isn’t specifically related to this case, but is something that needs to be broadly understood and respected.

    It has the same stink as police turning off their body cams right before beating some unarmed “assailant” to death.

  • The carnist-compatible alternative is to just stop pretending to care about animal welfare.

    It’s a consistent moral position to say “animals exist as my prey and their feelings don’t matter to me”, but it directly conflicts with this hypocrisy where we act like baby farm animals and dogs and cats are soooo cute, and then we conveniently ignore everything that happens on the farm and downstream because it doesn’t suit that narrative.

    What drives me absolutely crazy is when people willingly say “I don’t like to think about where my grocery store meat comes from!” but continue to buy it.