Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I’m in northern Ontario near Sudbury and we have less than half the usual amount of winter snow up here this year. That means there will be a lot less spring run off to keep our forests wet this spring and summer. Winter snow and ice which we normally get lots of generate so much water runoff that it usually keeps rivers and lakes full until about June. Then by the time all the high water runs out, the weather is starting to cool off for late summer and autumn.

    The way things are going this year, everything is going to be bone dry by June when the hot weather hits. The forests will be thousands of acres of kindling in the hot summer sun and all they will need is a spark … a spark from a cigarette, a spark from a camp fire, a spark from a chimney, a spark from the iron wheels on a railway track, a spark from a lightning strike.

    For everyone in northeastern North America … take a deep breath of fresh air … I don’t think we’re going to have much of it this summer.

    If you are reading this, and you live in an area that got hit with forest fire smoke last year, prepare now and get supplies to build a DIY HEPA filter setup for your home with guides like this:

    I’ve already got my set up ready because I had to last year.

    Get your supplies now because when the smoke starts, none of these supplies will be available anywhere when everyone starts panic buying for them at the last minute.

  • Look for the source, look for the funders, follow the money.

    It’s a political movement and political movements need money to function, they need money to flourish and they need lots of money to continue existing.

    Lots is political, ideological, even religious groups have a big following of people … but we seldom hear about them because they don’t have money to promote our pay their followers to do things in a regular basis.

    Look at the NDP, they have a large following but they’re barely able to hold on to the public stage most times.

    The only reason right wing nuts have so much attention and notoriety is money and funding. If they didn’t have that, we would never hear about them.

    Look for the source of who is giving these idiots money and you’ll find the reason why they exist and have become so noticeable.

  • It’s a matter of education and wealth … the more education a population has, the more likely they will have a bit of wealth and once they have a little bit of both, they tend to want fewer children.

    I should know because I am full blooded Indigenous in northern Ontario born in the 70s from parents who were traditional, born in the wilderness and had a terrible education in residential schools and they ended up having seven children. Out of all of us everyone had five or six kids except me and my wife and now there is an army of cousins in my family. In my own generation, dad had six siblings, mom had seven and they all had children … which meant I had a giant community of cousins, we used to roam around our community like a little gang and we all knew each other, our parents knew us and we all knew them … the adults all treated us like their children and we looked up to them like our parents or older siblings. There were good and bad things about all that.

    What I do notice is the number of children dwindling as the generations grow. My parents generation averaged about seven or eight children, my generation averaged about five or six and the generation after me is averaging about three or four. And that all falls in line with how much education and wealth people have. The more educated a couple becomes, they tend to leave the community to live somewhere else, get a job, make a bit of money, get more schooling and have fewer children. Those that didn’t do well in school ended up staying in the community, have less wealth and tended to have more children.

    Native Canada is on average about 20 to 30 years behind the average demographics of the rest of Canada.

  • Definitely, if they legalized everything than there would be no black market and everything would be out in the open. People are going to do drugs whether you want them to or not so why not just control it and regulate it all.

    A way to deal with it would be to create a feedback system. Make money on the drugs, use the money back towards education and treatment. Keep all this money in an infinite loop onto itself. The more money is made in drugs, the more funds would be available to manage the drug problem.

    And while you’re at it … nationalize all pharmaceuticals … the biggest issue with the modern drug problem is pharmaceuticals who created highly addictive drugs and sold them like candy until it became a black market problem that is now out of control.

    I know I know … it’s all wishful thinking. But if we keep just banging our heads up against the wall, all we’re going to end up with is a concussion.

  • Stop handing out money to gangsters and thieves … if you feel good handing it to Bell … might as well do the same for the Hell’s Angels and Asian gangs because it would do the same thing to our country.

    If government gives money to big corps like Bell … average citizens don’t benefit
    If government doesn’t give money to big corps like Bell … average citizens don’t benefit but at least we didn’t have to pay for it

    Stop handing out money to those that give no benefit to the country. It’s like investing in destroying the nation.

  • This is like getting angry at the arsonist who set fire to the town hall and asking why he started the fire. And never acknowledging that you were the one who gave the arsonist gasoline and a Molotov cocktail and defended him in court to get him off the charges and go back to setting fires at home.

    The Liberals and Conservatives are in bed with corporations … corporations actively tear apart our country for their own personal profit and control … and the only answer the two leading parties want to give is to say that we need to help out the corporations and beg them to do the right thing.

    Get rid of Bell Media and let it burn to the ground … that stupid corporation won’t benefit the people of Canada if it fails and it won’t benefit the people if it continues … we all lose whether or not government props it up with handouts or bailouts … they believe in the blind hand of the market that can solve these problems, let them loose and see how well they can do on their own. If they are such a viable, important company then it will never fail regardless if government helps it or not.

  • At this point in my life … I’ve made some money, I own some property and I have not debt … I make enough to survive but I don’t think I’ll be comfortable when I get older and judging from the looks of how society and our civilization is headed, I don’t think I’ll be very comfortable as I get older, not unless I can find a few million dollars right now. So I’m just planning on enjoying what I can for as long as possible on my own without going to a home or getting hospitalized … then just sell off everything and survive as long as I can with a bit of help from others. Than if things go even further downhill from there and I can’t take care of myself any more and I’m still in my right mind, I’d rather end it sooner on my own terms rather than make it last longer than I have to.

    I’m not banking or hoping for any help down the road, especially as we get older and none of us should.

  • Lol … I’m full blooded indigenous in Ontario and this is freakin laughable.

    Go ahead work out any deal or agreement you want … None of it will mean anything once they get in power. The last time the Conservatives were in power, they gutted everything to the near breaking point. Whole organizations folded and many tribal councils who represent entire groups of First Nations almost disappeared. Native groups everywhere spent the entire time fighting to start relevant and functional rather then in actually helping native people. Then when the Liberals came in, anything they did look better than the Conservatives doing nothing.

    This is like making a deal with the devil … and if the details of the deal surprise you when it comes down to asking about your agreement … you’re the idiot that signed up for it all.

    The only way I’d ever trust the Conservatives is that they are untrustworthy.

    They are continuation of a culture from 200 years ago that believe that native people have no special rights, no special status and that all the agreements and treaties from centuries ago no longer matter and that all native people should be assimilated, reservations ended and all indigenous people taken, forced, coerced or made to get off their lands and disappear into the Canadian collective. And if all those systems we have now for native representation are eroded, ended or taken away, then maybe people will have little or nothing to the point where they will want to get off their homelands.

    I get it, native people live off government handouts but what most people don’t understand is that we need that help now because we want to build ourselves to the point where we would no longer need those handouts in the future. There are many native communities that have become our on their way to becoming independent of government funding. All across northeastern Ontario around Timmins Sudbury and North Bay is mining country and the communities in there are getting so good at negotiating deals with mining companies that they are developing their communities by leaps and bounds. I know a couple of First Nations that have so many employment deals with mining companies to employ their people that they’ve run out of people to employ.

    The other northern semi remote and remote First Nations are still on their way to getting that level of development and they’re getting better at it as time goes on.

    Right now it’s critical … mining is going to be booming in far northern remote Ontario and the biggest stumbling block for mining is the poor native communities up there. If Conservatives get into power, mining companies could do whatever they want and bypass all these native people while they make their money.

    Conservative leadership will send native people back 20 years … and if they are zealous enough, they’d like to send native people back 200 years.

  • Society always pay for the homeless, regardless if the homeless are given homes or not.

    Don’t give them homes … society gets to pay for more policing, more security, more judicial, more emergency health, more social problems.

    Give them homes … No it doesn’t create a Utopia but with the money saved in less policing, less security, less judicial, less emergency health, the savings are used to pay for a home.

    So go ahead be a right winger or a left winger, no matter how you cut it, we all pay for the homeless no matter what we do. It’s just that one solution is compassionate and one is not.

    If you want to argue the Christian way, than …

    ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

    • Matthew 25:40